Cabin Fever

A disgruntled new addition to the crew has an unexpected encounter with the cabin boy.

Alder James
Trans Erotica
Published in
10 min readJul 5, 2023


Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

2.3k word erotic pirate fiction. Trans man (Kendall, he/him) with no reference to his body or anatomy in this specific piece and cis man (Durwin, he/him) with a cock. (“cabin boy” is used as just a nickname here, Kendall is in his late 20s and Durwin is in 30-40s!)

Blowjob, slight humiliation and mockery, inexperienced older man.

A grim day casts over the ship as Durwin Langley leans against a rail and watches the crew with what can only be described as a sulking glare. God, he hates all of them. Doing no work, just idling about and wasting the day away talking, laughing and drinking, and for what? They still get steady pay from their precious captain regardless. He spits over the side at just the mere thought of that joke of a pirate. Though that joke of a pirate somehow managed to hire a crew and find some miraculous way to gain the respect of not only them but his own captain too, enough so that Durwin is now contractually bound to this infernal boat on a loan to help. Help, he sneers, these idiots don’t need help they need to be thrown overboard. He would happily do so and then run his sword clean through the self-proclaimed captain were it not for the consequences of failing the job.

“Fuck’s sake.” Durwin scowls. Kendall Goodwin, the cabin-boy-writer-crew-slut whatever-the-fuck sits ahead of him, writing in that book of his again. He adjusts his sword belt and steps forward, suddenly towering over the far too relaxed so-called writer.

“You need anything?” Kendall speaks in his usual tone that pisses off Durwin every time he speaks, like he hasn’t a care in the world. He doesn’t even look at him when he speaks.

“Do you care to tell me why you’re not doing anything on this ship?”

“I am doing something. Something rather important actually. You see, I’m hired specifically to keep everyone company and provide entertaining to bored and lonely men at sea, so that’s what I do.” Kendall looks up at Durwin, straight into his eyes almost daring him to do something. A dare Durwin would be all too happy to oblige were they not being watched by the curious eyes of the rest of the crew.

Durwin says nothing and instead snatches the book from Kendall’s grasp. It’s full of writings and ramblings and… oh god. Durwin snaps the book shut and shoves it back into Kendall’s chest.

“Is everyone on this damned ship a fucking joke of a pirate?” Durwin spits, speaking not at Kendall but to the sky as though asking for some divine answer to his complaint.

“Well, you’re certainly one.”

Not exactly the answer he had wished to receive.

“Excuse me?” Durwin closes in on Kendall, their foreheads almost touching. Durwin despises that Kendall of all people is taller than him.

“You stomp around here acting all tough and like you’re all that and yet you still haven’t realized the most obvious thing.” Kendall stands firmly, not afraid of getting in Durwin’s face. Something Durwin Langley, a cruel and terrible right hand who has killed more than most, has never had to experience before. He’ll never get used to Kendall having the nerve to provoke him whenever he finds the chance. His hand twitches towards his sword.

Durwin knows this is a trap but takes the bait anyway. Any excuse to knock his lights out.

“Yeah? And what’s that?”

Kendall leans and speaks softly into Durwin’s ear, “You’re in love with your own captain.”

Not a second passes before Durwin’s hand is around Kendall’s throat.

“I mean you at least want to fuck him though.” Kendall pauses, a glint in his eye. “Or is it that you want him to fuck you, hm?”

“You little-”

“I’m right though, aren’t I?”

Durwin doesn’t even respond, but fuck… he is right, he thinks to himself. The first time actually admitting it. All those times he’d fantasized and dreamt of something — anything — happening between them suddenly bubble to the surface again.

“Fuck,” Durwin breathes heavily and feels his cheeks getting hot. Realizing he’s just admitted it out loud, he drags Kendall by the collar of his already ripped shirt and pulls him downstairs with him to the sleeping quarters.

One thing he did not need right now were the others seeing him get flustered. Once behind the closed doors of one the smaller rooms, Durwin takes the chance to shove Kendall against the wall. A hard thud fills the room that the crew upstairs no doubt hear but have since come to associate with something far less violent than a shove.

“You so much as breathe a word of this to any of your little friends, I’ll have your guts spilling out onto the floor.”

“Oh, someone’s a bit touchy.” Kendall grins, looking Durwin up and down, his gaze lingering. “Why is it so hard for you to admit it? Think it’ll ruin your image?”

Durwin shoves him away, refusing to meet his eyes any longer. “Of course it’d ruin… fuck, it’d ruin everything, don’t you realise that? Don’t any of you ever think about these things before you fuck around with each other for everyone to see?”

“Not really,” Kendall says while shrugging, “sometimes it’s nice to just not care. Not to mention, I don’t know why you’re so worried about us finding out when like you say, we do nothing but fuck around. You’d just be another one of us. Is that what you’re so scared of?” Kendall moves closer and brushes dirt off of Durwin’s shoulders.

“What are you doing?” Durwin watches Kendall’s every move with caution. He has no idea what the younger man is playing at.

“I think you need to loosen up. And let’s be honest, you’ve clearly been pent up about your captain for as long as you’ve known him, am I right? And yet now he’s practically sold you to another captain and… I mean is he even coming back for you? I think you simply need to accept that that ship has very much sailed for you, my dear.” Kendall moves his hand to Durwin’s neck and ever so slightly moves the collar of his shirt aside, exposing just a tiny bit more of his skin. Durwin feels ridiculous at suddenly being so vulnerable.

“Do you want to keep that hand? Because I’d suggest getting the fuck off of me.” Durwin stands stiff and tries to make himself bigger than he is but doesn’t move away. Perhaps part of him is curious. Or petrified.

“You… you’ve never done anything before have you?” Kendall tries to hide a smile, but can’t help letting one creep through. “One puppy love crush and it’s ruined you for this long. Durwin, I can feel my heart breaking for you!” Kendall feigns a heartbroken motion, his hands across his chest with a playful swoon before returning his hands to Durwin’s shoulders.

“Shut up,” Durwin snaps and turns away, breaking free of Kendall’s touch. He leans against the wall, his head back and eyes closed. Fuck, what’s the point? He submits to himself with a sigh. “No. I haven’t, alright? Satisfied?”

“Hmm, no. But you could be, if you’d let me.”

“What do you-”

“I could suck you off. Let you know what it feels like. I’ve heard I’m quite good at it.” Kendall positions himself in front of Durwin, his fingers probing the loose threads of Durwin’s tattered shirt.

“Why would you want to do that?” Although suspicious of Kendall’s intentions, Durwin can’t help but imagine what it would be like. The crew slut wouldn’t exactly be his ideal choice for a first time, but as much as he hates to admit it, he’s right about everything. It’s never going to happen, hell, he may never see him again at this rate and he needs to move on. Maybe this is how.

“Honestly? I’m bored and I think it’d do you a world of good to get over yourself.”

Durwin hesitates before giving a quick glance at the door. I can’t believe I’m doing this, he thinks before breathing in and nodding. Kendall smiles and begins trailing his hands down Durwin’s chest painfully slowly.

“What… what do you want me to do?” Durwin asks, already feeling ashamed at just how inexperienced he is compared to Kendall.

“You,” Kendall starts as he kisses his way down Durwin’s chest, unbuttoning as he descends, “for once in your very hard and difficult and oh so tragic life, you just relax and let me make you feel good.” Kendall reaches the waistband of Durwin’s trousers and works quickly to unbuckle the belt and loosen the drawstring. Durwin’s breath catches in his throat, and he squeezes his eyes shut. He doesn’t know what to expect, after all his only experience is his own hands, as pathetic as that sounds for a man of his age living a life at sea.

Over the years he has had to put up with stories of crew members ‘conquests’ as they visited ports and docks. And now here he is, holding his breath as a man he doesn’t even like is about to change all of that.

Kendall pulls the fabric down just enough to reveal a patch of thick dark hair and Durwin’s mostly soft cock. He runs his tongue along the length of it and Durwin starts seeing stars as he feels himself growing harder at even the softest of touches by Kendall.

“Someone’s eager,” Kendall notes playfully before licking again, this time focusing solely on the tip. Durwin groans and pushes his hips forward, almost begging for Kendall to just take it into his mouth already. As if hearing his silent prayer, Kendall licks his own lips and opens his mouth to take all of Durwin in down to the base.

“Fuck,” Durwin breathes. Images of his captain and previous crew flash across his mind, taunting him for being so far behind the rest of them. Maybe that’s why they left him here. He furrows his brow and shifts his focus to the present.

Kendall, mouth still preoccupied, takes Durwin’s hand and places it atop his own head prompting for Durwin to grip his hair. He needs no further instruction as he runs his fingers through Kendall’s hair, surprised at how soft it was to the touch. Then, with no warning he grips tightly and pulls Kendall closer to him and he’s met with the perfect sound of Kendall gagging slightly on his cock. All of Durwin’s focus moves entirely on how Kendall’s tongue feels on him, warm and wet. He feels Kendall pull away and looks down to watch as Kendall uses his tongue on the tip and his hand on the rest. The movements of both his hand and mouth fall into a smooth rhythm drawing out a long moan from Durwin.

“You are going to come in my mouth,” Kendall murmurs between strokes.

All Durwin can do in response is grunt his acceptance at being told what to do. He can feel himself getting close — the tell-tale sign of that thick heat building in the pit of his stomach giving it away.

“Go faster…” He begs, despising that it’s Kendall he’s begging.

“Hm?” Kendall stops moving entirely and looks up at Durwin.

Fuck off, Durwin may be inexperienced, but he still knows exactly what Kendall is doing. Yet he knows that Kendall won’t continue unless he plays along.

Please… go faster.”

Without having to wait even a second longer, Kendall gets back to work and returns to using just his mouth. Durwin takes this as his cue to grip his hair again and push himself further into Kendall’s mouth who, now expecting Durwin to do this, no longer gags and instead takes him even deeper. Shit, Durwin can feel himself bumping against the back of the man’s throat and the realization of that alone was enough. He bucks his hips forward, losing all of the momentum and rhythm from before but he doesn’t care.

“Fuck!” Durwin’s gasp quickly turns into a low groan as he comes inside Kendall’s mouth. He looks down and sees Kendall staring doe-eyed up at him.

Kendall swallows the load leaking out of his mouth without breaking eye contact and then silently pulls up Durwin’s trousers, ties the drawstring and buckles the belt for him.

Standing up tall again, he leans in towards a dazed Durwin who moves away almost instinctively when Kendall draws in closer, not being used to such close contact.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to kiss you.” Kendall laughs. “Feel better?”

Durwin nods, a smile attempts to tug at his lips, but he stops himself just in time. Now’s not the time to get friendly with the crew just because of this.

“That was good.” Durwin settles on a small compliment as he tucks his shirt back in. A quick look towards the still closed door lets him know that they kept their privacy.

“Only good?” Kendall jokingly protests complete with an exaggerated shocked look on his face. “I’ve just changed your life!”

Durwin breathes a laugh and Kendall turns on his heel. Their encounter having reached its conclusion.

“Don’t worry,” he adds, a genuinely comforting tone surprising Durwin. “Your secret, though not much of one, is safe with me for as long as you need it to be. Consider yourself officially part of the crew.”

Durwin tenses, then relaxes almost immediately after. He hadn’t thought about the consequences of this, for once they hadn’t even crossed his mind. He hates to admit it, but a part of him hopes that this isn’t a one time deal. Shaking himself out of that thought lest he start attaching feelings to it, he nods to Kendall.


“And should you ever require something to use in the event you need to get over yourself again, I’m always only a cabin away.” He winks, wipes his mouth and saunters off to join the rest of the crew without another word to a beet red Durwin.

This damned ship will be the death of me, he thinks, slinking against the wall.



Alder James
Trans Erotica

25, trans and autistic, it/he. I write queer and trans short fiction and erotica, as well as personal essays, horror analysis, and other assorted things!