Eternal, Unknowable, Unholy.

How to become the willing pleasure toy of an eldritch being in one easy step.

Achilles King
Trans Erotica
Published in
7 min readJun 24, 2023


Erotic horror, transmasc protagonist, 1.5k.

A simple illustration of the stars and galaxy.
Image created by Author.

Language: Pussy, cunt, tits, breasts.

Additional Warnings: This fic contains an implied kidnapping ring, dubious consent, violence, and generally some poor human behaviour. Also contains a human being transformed into an eldritch being’s immortal pleasure toy so… yeah.

Simeon wakes in a daze, feeling sluggish and a bit like he’s been hit over the head with a cartoon hammer. There’s loud music all around him, lights, and he’s not much for clubs, but he also doesn’t have much of an alcohol tolerance, so he starts to worry that maybe his shithead boyfriend, Arnaud, convinced him to drink so much he fully passed out right there in the club.

There are worse men than Arnaud, but Simeon’s not fooling anyone as to why he’s with Arnaud, and that’s because Simeon hates to be alone. Arnaud was interested, and he eats pussy like a champ, so Simeon can put up with a bit of assholery, but this might be a bit too far.

He groans, sitting up slowly from the cold floor and trying to reach up to feel his head only to realize that his arms are bound down by his sides by skintight leather which clings not just to his arms, but in fact goes up and down the majority of his body.

There’s leather wrapped around his upper body in two pieces: a super crop top style set of sleeves and shoulders with a collar, and a corset that wraps just under his breasts down to his belly, cinched in lightly to smooth some of his rounded belly with straps going all around the length of it. The straps have metal loops at the sides of his body, chaining his arms to his torso. There’s also chains going from the top of the corset to the collar, one along his spine and one right between his breasts.

The lower half of the outfit is, for lack of a better description, leather chaps. His wrists are chained to the belt, which is attached directly to the legs of the outfit, which wrap tightly over his thighs and calves, wrapping all the way around down his feet, ending in what appears to be a pair of hooved platforms.

His pussy and ass are fully exposed by the curvy cutout of the chaps, and his face goes hot with humiliation and confusion. He attempts to scramble to his feet, getting on his knees and then trying to push up into a standing position, but the strange shoes are impossible to balance on, and he wobbles, slips, and slams face first into cold metal bars.

He can hear laughter around him, and then a voice in his ear. No, not a voice. His own voice reflected back on him and thousands of others and something else, rumbling and awful. He feels the unstoppable urge to cover his ears, even though the sound comes from inside of him. Two words: “Be still.”

He freezes, leaning against the bars, breathing urgent and rabbit-like, and after a few seconds which feel each like eternity, there is weight against his back, somehow both inside and outside of him. The chain at his spine rattle as he twitches, as the weight moves along the length of him.

“Good,” the not-voice says. “You will live this night.”

The touch travels down and he hears himself whimper as it finds the small ring through his cock and traces over it, through, pulling lightly.

“These creatures,” the not-voice not-whispers. “These humans, they seek entertainment, and they think that you and Us and others like Us can be used for these purposes.” As it continues, Simeon swears that he can hear amusement. “They would cage Us if they could.” The touch delves between the lips of his pussy, tracing at his hole. “What do you think, pet? Shall We entertain them this night before We splatter the walls?”

His blood runs cold and he tries to shrink away from the touch, but it follows him, and the voice speaks on. “How do you think you came to be in this place, pet?” Arnaud’s face appears in his mind’s eye, and he shakes his head. No. No . Sure, Arnaud’s an asshole, but he’s not a fucking- “Yes, he is,” the voice interrupts. “He is watching.”

Tears come unbidden to the corners of Simeon’s eyes as his mind’s eye becomes something unknowable, the creature that touches him finding Arnaud out in the crowd for him, showing him how his bastard ex-boyfriend is watching him, smiling as he stands, shaking and terrified on a stage like a fucking art exhibit.

“We will show you true pleasure,” the not-voice says. “And then We will rend his skin from his bones and turn those bones to dust.”

Then the touch fills his pussy, stretching it open at the same time it cracks down across his exposed skin, pain stinging across his pussy and cock, making him cry out, head thrown back.

“What a pretty little hole,” the thing not-croons. “We could break you from the inside, burst your guts…” He sobs, pussy clenching, dripping. “But We did promise you would live… and perhaps…” The thing pushes deeper, slithering so deep inside of his pussy he can feel his belly squirming unnaturally. “It is more fun to simply mould your flesh for Our pleasure.”

Three more blows rain down on his pussy and then his gut surges, the corset bulging as the thing inside of him fills him and fills him, stretching open his cunt and his insides in a way that should be agony, but instead is just a wholly unnatural fount of incomprehensible pleasure.

The crowd cheers as Simeon gives an animal scream, cumming so suddenly and so hard that he nearly collapses. Something grabs hold of him, but it hurts to look at, so he closes his eyes and spasms, pussy spraying rivers of pleasure as he’s held aloft, legs spread open by more of those limbs, caressing him as a second one slithers inside of his cunt next to the first, spreading him impossibly wide, pussy straining.

“Beautiful,” the thing not-says, and then something tickles up against his asshole, limbs surrounding him more and more, wrapping around his upper body, holding him against its not-flesh. It plucks at the rings through his nipples, tugging at them rhythmically, as if trying to milk him, but pulling too far, his fat tits and plump nipples pulled until they burn with sweet agony.

“Oh?” the not-voice says as it tugs again. “Does Our pet enjoy a little pain?” More limbs, slim and stinging, begin to slap his tits, jiggling the flesh as it continues tugging and squeezing his tits, as the tickling at his asshole becomes a burning, the hole forced open by the limbs pulsing against it.

“You could live forever,” it tells him. “An eternity of pleasure as Our pet. Never tiring, never toiling, never hungering. We would wear Our little human with pride, your cries echoing for eternity through atoms and stars.” His ass aches, his toes curling as the pleasure overwhelms him again and he makes a noise he can’t even recognize as his own voice, coming again.

It’s not laughter, but it’s like it. His head hurts as it booms through him, his bones aching with it. He squirts again as he’s fucked through his orgasm, animal noises leaving him with every inwards thrust. The pleasure should be impossible, but it’s clear that this thing that the other people in the club have set loose on him is simply bending reality to its will, making him whatever it pleases to.

“Become Us,” it not-says. “Love Us. Swear yourself to Us and this never needs to end.”

“Yes!” he sobs, the first word he’s managed. He can no longer imagine his life without this pleasure. Every day after this one would be empty compared to the gift he is being given now.

“Good boy,” the not-voice not-purrs. Its limbs tighten around him, and then they truly do sink into him. He can hear people in the crowd gasping, can feel his bones become starlight, his skin become entropy, and when he opens his eyes again, he can see everything They see. Every inhale is like inhaling the knowledge of the universe, but knowing everything no longer hurts.

He writhes within the mass around him, and then begins working his hips, plunging his pussy and ass onto the limbs filling him, manifested specifically for his sexual pleasure. He can see himself, infinitely spiraling outwards into liminal space, but to the eyes of those he would once have called his kin, he is a man.

He smiles, moans and tilts his head back, met by his lover, Their form caressing his face, gliding into his mouth and filling his throat. He humps himself onto them faster, feeling another orgasm coming, and knowing that if he cums now, he will never have to stop. The pleasure can be eternal.

The pleasure is even more than his previous orgasms, and as he moans, he feels the cage shattering around them.



Achilles King
Trans Erotica

Achilles is a transgender erotica writer with a penchant for the sensual and mildly twisted and a deep love for the sexuality and adoration between men.