My Vampire Husband the Horndog

Erotic Short. A boring salary man tries to snuggle his sleepy, nocturnal vampire husband after a long day of work…

Achilles King
Trans Erotica
Published in
5 min read5 days ago


Original Image by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.

1k, CisM/Trans M. A boring salary man tries to snuggle his sleepy, nocturnal vampire husband after a long day of work, and gets fucked instead.

CONTAINS Reverse somnophilia or whatever you’d call a half-asleep guy fucking someone who’s awake, just a small 550-year age gap, strength kink, is this wrestling or bondage, overstimulation, squirting

Language: Pussy, hole

Tao works as an accountant, which means that he spends half the week working from home anyway, and the other half of the week leaving the office promptly at 5. Time is money, after all, and since he’s on salary, there is no reward for staying late.

Today, he worked in-office, which means he gets home just past 6 to find a meal sitting in the fridge with his name on it. Dutifully, he heats it up and sits down to eat. Today, it’s a luxurious stuffed pasta with a rosé sauce topped with shredded parmesan. The sauce is filled with roasted vegetables, and the pasta was clearly homemade, stuffed with squash and cheddar.

It’s a heavy dish, guaranteed to leave him feeling full and sleepy, and he devours every bite.

Etienne, his husband, has spent the last 600 years as a chef, though after they were wed, he’d decided to take some time off. That was almost 20 years ago now, but in the greater scheme of things, Tao supposes he can concede that that is indeed “some” time off.

Belly full, Tao gives up on the idea of doing anything beyond curling up in bed. It’s still too early for Etienne to be awake, so Tao figures he’ll nap now, wake up later to spend time with his husband, and then nap before he has to get up for work.

With a yawn, he rinses his dishes and puts them in the dishwasher before wandering into the bedroom and shedding his suit. He puts the shirt and underthings in the laundry, hanging the pants and jacket back up before slipping naked under the covers where Etienne lays his giant body on his side, fast asleep. There’s stubble on his round face, his hooked nose crinkling as his dead sleep is disturbed by Tao shuffling across the mattress to jam himself into his husband’s arms.

Etienne wraps his arms around Tao on instinct, sighing sleepily into his hair before pressing a kiss to his neck.

“Work?” he mumbles out, still half-asleep and unwilling to even form full sentences. It’s a gamble whether or not he’ll even remember this conversation later.

“Same as always,” Tao answers and Etienne grunts, one hand sliding down to grab Tao’s thigh. Tao used to be slim and fit, but those days are long gone. He’s gone soft over the years from a life of sedentary office work and good food, not that Etienne seems to have noticed, nor does he seem to care. He’s as content with Tao’s body now, at 45, as he was at 25.

“I thought you were sleeping,” Tao says, trying not to sound so amused as to embarrass his old-fashioned husband, who is somehow the most horny, perverse man Tao has ever been with while also being the most modest. Tao has been with a lot of men, too. Marriage hasn’t stopped him from exploring at the encouragement of his spouse, who not only told him to date other men, but has also more than once curated a mate for Tao to take to bed. Sometimes with him present in the rooms, other times simply watching a recording or video feed.

Etienne always watches, though. He has said on more than one occasion “The capacity of the human species to invent new things to deepen their own perversions is endlessly fascinating,” which is a long-winded to say he likes webcams, but such is his way.

“I am sleeping,” says Etienne, and to his credit, he does sound very sleepy, even as he nudges his hard cock between Tao’s thighs, absently seeking after a hole to sink inside of until he finds purchase, the tip of his cock catching on Tao’s pussy before slowly pushing in as Etienne lets out a lazy sigh.

For a moment, Tao thinks he might be in for some lazy “morning” sex, and then Etienne’s arms hook under his underarms, pulling until Tao’s back is arched, head resting back on his husband’s shoulder as Etienne makes rare use of his unnatural strength to draw back and then pound right into Tao’s hole.

It sort of reminds Tao of when he used to do jiu jitsu classes, including the unfamiliar, embarrassing arousal he often experienced when someone bigger and stronger held him down. Etienne’s not that much bigger than him anymore, but he remains half a head taller and infinitely more powerful, a heady combination that has Tao clenching down around Etienne even as he tests his husband’s grip, squirming in his husband’s arms until he can plant his feet on the mattress and attempt to buck Etienne’s hold.

Were he more awake, Etienne might do his husband the dignity of pretending to struggle to hold him in place, but half-asleep as he is, he simply grunts, muscles rippling, and Tao may as well be trying to wrestle a brick wall. The only part of Etienne that’s moving at all is his hips, which continue to drive his cock into Tao’s pussy as if nothing is even happening.

The warmth of arousal ratchets higher, Tao flushed and trembling as the pleasure in his body swirls and twists, more and more urgent with every thrust until his breath hitches, shuddering in his chest as he squeezes down and comes, little grunts escaping him, not that Etienne is paying attention to him, anyway. What he does or doesn’t do doesn’t matter. Etienne fucks him right through the orgasm and keeps going, holding Tao down when he squirms again, trying to escape the overstimulation making his pussy burn and clench.

When he kicks, digging his toes into the sheets, trying to drag himself free on instinct, Etienne grunts and hooks his longer legs over Tao’s, pressing the backs of his thighs against the tops of Tao’s, hooking his ankles under Tao’s knee caps. Tao swears colourfully, and then his pussy sprays, soaking the sheets as Etienne continues to fuck him mercilessly. If he were more awake, he might mock Tao or slap his pussy to make it spray again. That would almost be better than this almost machine-like fuck, steady unfaltering pleasure.

He’s pinned like a bug, eyes watering as he lets out the occasional curse, fucked until he loses track of time, and then, sometime after that, Etienne’s hips finally stutter. With a few final rocks, Etienne buries all the way inside of Tao’s pussy, sighing softly as he empties his balls into his husband’s warm hole and then goes still, slipping slowly back under the tide of sleep.



Achilles King
Trans Erotica

Achilles is a transgender erotica writer with a penchant for the sensual and mildly twisted and a deep love for the sexuality and adoration between men.