
Erotic short. A young man takes punishment from his captain.

Johannes T. Evans
Published in
12 min readApr 18, 2021


Photo by Jamie Morrison via Unsplash.

I did a random Twitter poll thread asking people to choose between two kinks. Spanking won over caning. Will be doing a short for each of the winners!

Short M/M story between a cis ship captain in the age of sail and a trans sailor. 3k. Contains open-handed over-the-knee spanking, a little crying, D/s, the obvious employer/employee power imbalance (with a past relationship discussed), some mild humiliation.

Warning for mildly dubious consent, just situational, and the implication of period-typical transphobia.

The night watch had taken over when Coates walked down the narrow corridor and stood at the door to the captain’s quarters, and when he rapped his knuckles quietly against the heavy oak of the door, he half-expected Perry to answer it, to look at him haughtily in that way he did at everyone, but he didn’t.

The captain must already have sent him down, because he called crisply himself, “Come in.”

Coates swallowed hard, steeling himself, and then he put his hand on the door handle and pushed it open, stepping inside. The captain’s cabin was lit gently by an oil lamp hung directly over his desk.



Johannes T. Evans

Gay trans man writing fantasy fiction, romance, and erotica. Big on LGBTQ and disability themes, plus occasional essays and analysis. He/him.