We may not be human anymore?

Peering out from the inside at our own existence

Trans humans


There is this feeling growing within me that there is more to perceive than meets the eye. I mean we know that already, the sciences are already telling us that but i don’t speak at an atomic level. I mean at a very human level we are no longer humans. Okay that seems like an idiot statement but let me try and explain. Lets look at what we have been able to achieve as one race. We have given ourselves wings (flying machines and rockets), we can repair ourselves when broken (medicines), have spread hope and faith (humanity/religion), and over the course of many years become a self aware creature. In effect we have been the creator and destroyer for some hundreds of thousands of years now. All the time increasing our ability to perceive our surroundings. Today as we dig deeper into our brains and find an inner critic residing in the neural pathways of our brain, as we make the leap into quantum computing and AI and look at nuclear fusion as a reality, more than ever before we’re looking into the future today. But who are we in all this, we have worked out civilization and become the dominant race so much so that we can now sit and brood on it because most of the animals are now behind bars, in fact we have put some on the endangered list and are now trying to protect and preserve. This is not the act of a human being, a human being is a land animal, a biped with a big brain, a mammal which had to build tools to survive once upon a time. Survival today is not an issue for many, or dare I say most of us. It is we who have made this mammoth system which could do with some simplification but nevertheless has taken care of the animal coming from the dark and having us for breakfast. We are now moving beyond with extrasensory perception because a man can now move a monkeys tail telepathically, for real.

So what have we become and what is becoming of us. The most powerful tool with us undeniably is our own brain. Today as our thoughts move beyond survival issues and we start asking bigger questions, we may be changing ourselves and moving in a direction where the human body and the person can be together and be distinct, easily identifiable. We may be nothing more than flesh and blood but it is our thoughts that drive us into the premier division of races. We may tell ourselves to be humble, but I here think that it’d be far better if we could acknowledge our superiority as a race once and for all and move towards building better worlds. As we manage to extend our life spans and death starts to loose its grip on us, our minds and our bodies as extension would find time and space to think and do more. Maybe one day we’ll become aware of a different person/the real person sitting peering through our own eyes, be able to see connections where a giraffe can only see grass to graze and maybe in the not so distant future we’ll be able to keep our bodies on standby preserving it as we sit next to it.

