Losing Weight a Harder Task Then I thought!

Beauty Girl
A Trans Life
Published in
4 min readAug 23, 2019

When I first tried losing weight it was a hard thing to accomplish but I was able to do it for 3 entire long months. I maintained a very low Carb intake of around 50 Carbs for each day and it was absolutely amazing because I lost 43 lbs. I kid you not; I literally went from 262 lbs (118.8 kg) to 219 lbs (99.3 kg) during this time. The problem is I slowly got off that diet through other means such as not being able to afford the diet and the fact that whatever curve I was on eventually stopped me from losing any more weight. This was killing me; the diet is harsh and makes it very hard to enjoy living and eating with my other family members. However, it ended and here’s what happens next…

I lost my way through my diet, and even though I was planning on losing more weight I failed to maintain it. I went off my diet completely back at the start of April and in that time I have put on 5 lbs (2.2 kg) now towards the end of August. It varies and sometimes I drop 2 pounds but none the less I have been a steady 224 lbs (101.6 kg) for several months now. I honestly was tired of it, because in order for me to go and get the transgender surgeries that I want and need I have to lose weight, lots of weight. Finally, I decided that I am going to attempt to get back on the diet, and my doctor suggested that I get a calorie diet and not a Carb diet. OMG, this was much harder than I thought!

It was last Wednesday that I started my low carb diet, and I even began walking, giving myself 180 min of exercise a week. In all honesty I have been doing horrible in my diet plan even though I am trying my hardest. Hunger Urges are out the roof and I’m always wanting and craving something to eat and it’s like no matter what I eat it’s never enough. I have set myself a goal using several different online calculators to come up with how many calories I should be eating and have set a goal of 1600 calories. This was the suggested calories that many different sites gave me or variations of a similar number. I figured this would be a good number but it is so much harder to obtain than I anticipated. I am still consuming around 2200 calories a day and OMG last night I went out to dinner with my wife and movies and well there went my diet. 4000 calories later I am just miserable.

TBH I never thought I would eat that much in one day, but it was so easy when I didn’t really pay attention to what I was eating. I feel incredibly stupid for eating so much. BUT, this is something that many people who are trying to lose weight deal with. The thing is people who are trying to lose weight for medical purposes or transgender surgeries have a difficult time doing it. Finding the right foods and things to eat in place of your normal everyday food is often hard and costly in the long run.

A little detail information about Transgender Surgeries that everyone should know if you are planning this at any point in your life. Please look it up because majority of Surgical staff require you to have a BMI score at 25, though some may allow up to 27 BMI. This is a very low number and shows that you must be rather small in order to get the surgery. If you have had transgender surgery and are above that BMI score please let me know so I can make a note of it for other people out there.

Now I am not really here to give you advice on how you should diet or lose weight, but I recommend that if you are going to lose weight and doing it regularly then you need to really keep a close watch on it. It is so hard and can be a very difficult task if you really want to lose your weight. If you have suggestions on foods that are helpful or articles that could be relevant to losing weight on a calorie diet let me know.



Beauty Girl
A Trans Life

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”