MTF: Nipples Pain and how to deal with it!

Beauty Girl
A Trans Life
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2019

While you progress further and further along in your transition from male to female you will begin to have growth in your breast. This is common for most people who are taking hormones to change from one gender to the next and become the person you have always been inside. This comes with a few side effects when it comes to your breast-related to pain.

Representation of Breast and the Pain in the Nipples

Breast is a funny thing and while they can take up to three years for them to grow to the size that you want, you may not always get there easily. Like me, you may experience pain in your breast that seems to come and go throughout the months and this is normally focused around your nipples. This pain sometimes can be unbearable and often annoying as the days go on. Ohhhhh God, the pain it may bring when something rubs against them or perhaps your accidentally lean on them, Ohhh the pain it brings. Let me tell you a little story about my situation:

Now I have been on hormones for 6 months in just 2 days from today 8.5.2019 and oh wow the things these breasts can do to me are amazing and horrible at the same time. LOL, but let me tell you as my breast has developed over the last six months I swear the pain would not go away and honestly it is still here from time to time.

I was getting my bedtime clothing on, which for me isn’t too much but a bra and panties. However, when I put that bra on across my nipples I could feel them tremble with pain as I cringed from them brushing against my nipples.” OUCH”, I wanted to scream but I didn’t I just grit my teeth and continue what I was doing; Getting ready for bed. Now I thought I could get away with it and lay down on the bed, first I laid down on my back and stared at the ceiling, I swear it must have been like 15 minutes. Finally, I said I can’t lay like this anymore and I rolled over on my stomach. “AHHHHHHHHHH”, I freaking screamed, granted it wasn’t super loud but it was loud enough for me and my wife to hear. It was the nipples again hurting me. OMG, what was I going to do these things would not stop hurting. I just about gave up for the night and lay on my side but the pain was still there so here is what I did…

Hmmm. What I did was likely the best thing in the world for me and it’s a little secret that really seems to work for me, and might even work for you. The first thing you need to start doing is massaging your breast just a little bit to help them relax. I am not 100% sure how that helps but for me it does, and it feels good too. I tend to massage while pushing my breast inward to help grow in that direction. The second thing, and now to be honest this is the most important thing. You can use Lidocaine3–5% (Side Note: “You can use alternatives such as Orajel, Kanka, CVS Toothache Reliever, etc“) and apply it around the nipples if they are super tender to the touch. After a few minutes this will really ease the pressure around them, or at least numb them out. It won’t last forever so you have to keep applying some overtime when the pain returns. Let me tell you that this is a lifesaver for me and if I didn’t have this I would have been going crazy.

Also, I want to mention that taking some basic ibuprofen or some other pain medication orally can help reduce some of the pain but make sure you pay attention to the dosage on the bottle to make sure you are not taking to much and are not allergic to it either.

Boobs can’t take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years to develop and you are likely going to experience a little bit of pain and sensation as they grow as the Pectoral muscles and the specialized tissue called glandular tissue grows inside your chest. Don’t worry most Transgender don’t produce milk, but it has happened. (Side note: “If you do produce milk from your breast please seek medical advice.”) So just remember a few things that can help that will make the pain go away is always helpful but rushing boob growth just isn’t possible without surgery.

Remember to enjoy your boob growth as it turns you into a beautiful woman. And I hope that you have a successful and wonderful size breast with little to no pain in your future.

***Information provided is not a piece of professional doctor advice but from an advocate of LGBTQ. I am not liable for anything you may do with this information.***



Beauty Girl
A Trans Life

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”