@ @edical Informational

Surgical Success

The exciting experience of a Vaginoplasty Surgery of Male to Female corrective surgery.

Beauty Girl
A Trans Life


Informational here is detailed and descriptive, could be considered very graphic, and is highly recommended for 18+ plus views. This article may be very sensitive and disgusting or liberating so please take your time and decide if you wish to continue forward reading.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

All my life I had dreamed of being in the right body, dreamed of being my authentic self, and knew that I was not meant to be born with a penis. This was the defect I had to deal with for 37 years, 3 months, and 29 days. The nightmare that I was living was with a penis that was excruciating, it was demoralizing, and caused me great grief and mental health anguish. I didn’t want it to start with and was forced into a role that required me to keep it until — December 6th, 2022 at 6:00 am EST. — This day was the magical, incredible, and most magnificent day of my life to fulfill myself. This day, I started my surgical Process of getting a “Penial Vaginoplasty Surgery” (PVS) to correct a lifelong defect that weighed in on me so heavily.

Without Getting this “PVS” I would likely not have been around much longer and to many of those who may contend with my reasoning, “PVS” saved my life. Having “PVS” gave me my life back, it gave me the full body of a woman and I can now blend in without exposure or denial of who I am in any fashion. I am not going to go down the large dirty dirt road of defending myself or claim anything, I know that I am, and will always be recognized as a woman, female in the eyes of the public only noticed by medical, and even some can’t tell the difference.

However, that's not the point here, the point here is, I would like to go through the experience and share with you exactly what it was like. What I had to go through and how hard it was for my experience because somewhere out there I had to truly fight, fight hard for this.

I believe the best way to share this would be on a day-by-day record to really express what has all happened. We are going to start with the flight up there on Day 1.

12.3.2022 Saturday (Day 1 Pre)

Rushing, packing, and getting ready to catch my flight with my oldest child, and my Wife. — While this story expresses around me primarily, my oldest child and wife were a major support. — My mother took us up in the early morning to catch the plane and dropped us off at the airport. On the way up to the airport, my mother nearly had a bad accident and ran over a curb and almost into a ditch only 15 min after we had left the house. “That was a Fright Panic Attack.” She did recover and we made it to the plane safely.

We went through the long process of checking in and flying from North Carolina to Boston MA, taking a taxi from the airport to the hotel. Lo and behold we made it there in a short time. It was so worth the flight, and it was a beautiful sight to see the sky after 20 years of not flying.

We checked into the hotel that night, enjoyed some food, and basically just settled in for the night. I won’t get into all the other details, and try to keep the focus on the surgery stuff.

12.4.2022 Sunday (Day 2 Pre)

I had my first appointment, this appointment was simple, it was just a very annoying Covid 19 nose swab test to make sure that I didn’t have covid. I walked the mile from the hotel through the icy cold Boston air to the Hospital Covid Testing Center. I literally showed up and not even 5 min later they swabbed my nose and sent me away. It was quick, painless, and not really a big deal. I walked back to the hotel from there and within a few hours my online chart was updated and I had tested “Negative” for Covid 19. I was cleared to get my surgery now, or I hoped, I still had one more pre-appointment before surgery the next day.

12.5.2022 Monday (Day 3 Pre)

Another mile walk up to the hospital to do my pre-surgical appointment, took my vitals, weight, and went over some basic things about what I can bring to my surgery, and asked me a lot of medical questions related to my health. About 30 min later, the nurse said you are clear to go, and we will see you tomorrow morning bright and early for surgery at 6:00 am.

At this point I don’t think anything was even bothering me at all, I was excited, a bit confused by all the stuff happening so fast, and trying to process everything they were doing and how quickly it happens back to back. So I basically went back to the hotel to relax, well not completely.

That night was extremely rough for me, I had to drink a gallon of liquid that forces you to cleanse your bowels, and on top of that, I had some other medication like antibiotics that they gave me that had to be consumed before surgery. Just so you are completely aware, all of those items were so nasty, OMG. like just bitter and nasty.

I spent the entire night on the bathroom toilet, if I wasn’t cleaning the bowels out through my tushie, it was coming up through my mouth. I felt like I was hit by a freight train and just felt completely miserable that night before surgery. I finished it and did my best, I think I even managed to get 1 hour of sleep too. Not the highlight of the trip by no means.

12.6.2022 Tuesday (Day 1 Post)

I get up to the Boston Medical Center in MA by the way of taxi and thank god I did because it was so bitter cold outside. I had to hunt down where to go because it really is a big place and my direction sense is well not the greatest. However, I found the waiting room to get checked in, I was there an hour before 6 am, and waited.

I think this was the point I was actually feeling nervous, excited, or something unexplained because I didn’t know what was going to happen next, it was all happening so fast, but I was not about to run away, this is what I wanted all my life. You couldn’t pay me enough to leave the waiting area.

Finally, I was called back and the funniest thing happen that made the rest of the morning lighten up 100 folds. The nurse who brought me back was getting my weight, height, blood pressure, etc again and then asked me a groundbreaking question. “When was the last time you had your period?” I responded with, “I haven’t had one.” The nurse states again, “How long has it been since you had your last one then?” I responded once more, “I have never ever, ever, had a period.” She stopped looking at me, puzzled, then quietly whispered, “Are you, trans female?” At this point, I responded silently speaking, “Yes”. The nurse deserves a Gold Star. Immediately responding nicely and so sweetly, “OMG you go, girl, I would have never even thought, wow girl, let's get you to your room.”

It was this major initial event that brought me a smile and made me so happy to be here. The other nurses that took care of me prepping me for surgery were all wonderful and nice too, but this one stood out to me the most.

I will be honest, most of the first 2 hours getting ready was a semi-blur, but OMG the epidural made me cry, and so did the IV needle in my arm. So many people came by my room talking to me and asking me question after question and so forth, I was barely able to keep up and I think still in shock I was there.

It was sometime around 8 am that I was rolled into the ER, I remember seeing all the big satellite lights overhead and shifting onto the hard operating table. However, the last thing I recall was looking up into this pretty nurse's blue eyes looking down over me and putting a mask on my face, and saying start counting down from 100. I think I remember saying 96, 95…. gone…….

I woke up sometime later that day with so many wires all over me, wearing so much packing that I looked like I was wearing a diaper. I had Catheter inside of me with two drainage tubes inside me, and so many gulls that I swear I looked like I still had something between my legs. At this point I will be honest, I couldn’t tell you what they did, what happened, how bad it was or good. I couldn’t even see the work done it was all covered. I did know that something was different but with the amount of pain, I was experiencing, my god I felt like I had just given birth or was in labor.

Honestly, aside from getting pain medicine, the lack of having my family with me because of covid restrictions, and getting my patient room so late in the evening due to compacity issues I didn’t even see my family till the next day. That was a bit hard for me, only able to talk to them on the phone, that made the whole experience even harder to not have your support right there with you, but I held strong.

I will say though, I was in and out of consciousness off and on mainly due to pain and medication putting me out. I couldn’t remember much after those medications kicked in.

12.7.2022 Wednesday (Day 2 Post)

I was in pain all morning and night, having the worst time sleeping, even though I was sleeping so much at the time. I finally get to see my beautiful wife and oldest child. This was something that was really needed, I wasn’t that responsive to them, and they saw me in so much pain, but knowing that they were there looking at me and keeping me company gave me all sorts of comfort that I couldn’t even begin to explain.

I do remember getting some type of food here and there, although, I don’t remember eating a lot of it. Developed a craving for bananas though like needing one constantly.

Honestly, I don’t really have a lot of information for this day as it was going in and out, but the pain level was so bad, I think I may have even cried a few times or more. The pain level was 12 out of 10 several times, but they did give me medication to bring it back down.

12.8.2022 Thursday (Day 3 Post)

I was finally a little more conscious and not like under the radar anymore, it was a horrible feeling and I still couldn’t get out of bed. I was still in a lot of pain and couldn’t sit up straight without being in massive pain. At this point though I was starting to feel what felt like a rod up my booty keeping me from being able to sit up.

Doctors were still coming in and checking on me through the entire stay, and a few other things going on like changing my gulls, but not the packing. It was crazy, OMG, I swear people were everywhere.

My family got to see me again and that was nice, they even stayed long enough that we had some Boston Pizza, which was Grade A perfection. “IE, they can really give NY pizza a run for their money.”

Later that evening I was able to get up and walk for the first time, that was a nice experience, though it was very slow, very easy going and I am happy that I could.

12.9.2022 Friday (Day 4 Post)

OMG, so many people came by that morning and one of the nurses pulled one blood drain out which by the way, hurt very bad like a bad pinch. I was literally sent home by like noon, I even had the ability to walk downstairs with my family who came to take me to the hotel.

I was discharged with a Catheter and one Blood Drain still attached. They gave me some medication for the weekend, which of all the things, the only thing I wish they would have done was to give me more Oxy to take over the weekend. I barely even had enough from Friday to Monday. I ended up experiencing a lot of pain over the weekend.

However, the pain level was fine until I took the Uber ride to the hotel, it was a living nightmare. The amount of pain that I experienced from hospital to hotel in that Uber and sitting on a donut, was like going through surgery without pain meds. OMG, I was crying walking up to my hotel room after we arrived. I swear, I never thought that ride would cause more pain than the worst pain in the hospital.

I made it though, and I took pain medicine as soon as I got in the room. I ended up sitting in bed a lot, that or taking my showers to keep clean.

12.10.2022–12.11.2022 Saturday/Sunday (Day 5/6 Post)

I ended up waking up Saturday morning with a stye in my eye and was in so much pain. throughout the weekend I was going up and down and a massive amount of sweating and fevers and dire headaches that felt like you were getting hit by a train over and over again.

That weekend was the worst feeling, with constant pain, sweating, fevers, dizziness, weakness, and draining catheter and blood drain throughout the day. It was so disgusting that I felt nasty like I was so nasty at the time. Even taking the pictures to see what it looked like didn’t even appear right. It was just a horrible, bad feeling, not about the surgery but about the misery of the pain.

12.12.2022 Monday (Day 7 Post)

Finally, the day of the reveal, the moment of truth. I was able to go back to the hospital and have this stupid catheter removed, the blood drain gone, and the packing removed. Finally, getting the chance to see something for the first time, to really see what was done.


That moment made me cry, cry of happiness, satisfaction, inspiration, and of course the true moment, I felt complete. I would go through the pain, the suffering, the headache of this surgery again and again if I had to, but so proud of My body now. I would never take it back and finally feel the overwhelming satisfaction of being a beautiful, gorgeous women.

I’ve chosen to leave out my surgery pictures for personal reasons but I am happy to say that I have a passing visual Vagina.

Please follow and give likes if you love the story and share too everyone you can. It would mean so much. Plus I follow any who follow me.



Beauty Girl
A Trans Life

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”