To my Family and Friends! How are we all taking it?

Beauty Girl
A Trans Life
Published in
4 min readAug 11, 2019

Many of you seem to be at or against me changing and that is completely fine. I am not going to force anyone who doesn’t want to be part of my change to be included; however, there are many of you that have to deal with it because you associate with my wife, my kids, or me directly. I am sorry for your hatred or intolerance to my changing but I am going to finish my change regardless of your opinion. For this I am sorry, on the other hand, I am not sorry for the way I am because I am much happier being the woman I have always been inside. Although, you would like to know how my family is taking it so here it is.

My Wife

My wife is taking it the best that she can because like many of you this is very hard for her. To your surprise, she has been very supportive and helpful in my journey and has accepted my change. This is no easy task for her or anyone in her position, yet she is doing it and I applaud her acceptance to my change.

In the beginning, when I first came out it was the hardest for her to be able to accept it and I honestly thought that she wouldn’t because that’s the opinion of most people. That did not happen, she stayed because she loves me for 13 years plus, she loves the kids, and she wants to make this work to the best of her ability. She wants to keep our family together and happy, although this may be hard in some cases she has worked through a lot of it. I understand her situation and where she is coming from by looking at it from the other side of the glass but she is superior in every way to me.

I believe that the hardest part in the world for her is not necessary the fact that I am changing but the support of family and friends. She doesn’t need hate or disgrace from anyone, and she doesn’t need people who are anti-trans or any part of anti-LGBT causing her problems, because she is amazing and all that does is makes her feel upset that people are abandoning her for something I have done. Be there for her, tell her it’s ok and that you still love her or like her if you’re a friend. Be supportive of her decision to stay with me because of love. Love has no bounds and will travel the stars for someone else no matter the decision that takes place in their life. So remember that its love that holds us together, and that doesn’t matter what you look like if you truly love someone.

My Children

These two girls are the most amazing thing a Mom, and Mum can ever have. They are the light of both our lives and will forever shine bright no matter what happens in our life. But how are they taking it? Well, let me tell you something because this is really amazing for me who is becoming the girl I have been inside. My girls’ love me for who I have become, and it has brought us closer than we have ever been before.

My youngest daughter calls me Naomi almost all the time and it’s so sweet. She knows I am her father, her dad, but she loves the fact that she can call me Naomi. She thinks it is so cute that she is doing that and I am happy that she thinks that. She wants to hang out with me more, heck even put on makeup from time to time with me. Honestly, we just get to be a lot closer then we have ever been, and she wants to hang out with me, so girl time. She tells me that she loves me almost 10 times a day or more which I adore. This is amazing in every way and I couldn’t ask for more from her.

My oldest daughter, well she is getting used to it more and more each day. She loves me dearly and gives me a hug each night before bed. Of course, she is much older and likes her own time, but we get to be closer. Honestly, I have even helped her with putting her makeup on. I couldn’t ask for more from her, but we get to share in something even more. We share a bond that no one else could ever have, and now that I am a woman she has become closer, much like my youngest and tell me and Mom things that we normally wouldn’t discuss. This alone brightens up my day all the time and I am proud that we have become closer than ever.

In Conclusion

If you want to know how we are doing that is fine because you are here to help but we are doing outstanding for anyone in this situation. I couldn’t ask for a better wifey and kids, and I know they are happy too. Yes, they have questions and wonder many different things, but we talk and work through it as a good family should. I know I have changed, and while I have changed I am still the nice, friendly, loving person that everyone has known for years. I don’t see why what I do in my life is so hard for other people to accept? I am still the same person with a feminine touch now that I have changed.



Beauty Girl
A Trans Life

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”