Trans gender

Trans is not a Phase

Why trans is not a phase to work through and get over.

Beauty Girl
A Trans Life


Photo by Cecilie Johnsen on Unsplash

The critisim that is often targeted towards trans gender individuals is that it just a simple phase and you will grow out of it.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

See the thing is kids often go through tons of emotional, physical, and mental changes as they grow up and each in a different way. Yes there are kids who just experience changes that don’t lead to being trans gender but more as a phase of experimentation of what it is they want. But then there is those of us who experience things and don’t fit in, don’t conform to our gender assigned at birth. These are the few that are no longer experimenting, and know deep down inside who they are, a gender not assigned at birth.

It is these selected individuals who have gone through there experimental phases, have tried to fit in and find that they are the opposite gender. Some try harder or longer to fit in with the social norms some change early on. The amount of critisim and culture and family pressure is often what pushes how long someone hides there true identity.

The thing with being trans gender is it not a phase, not something that can just be pushed away, tucked under the blanket, it will stick with you for the rest of your life. There no amount of reasoning or complications that would or could ever change your mind. This is the point that clearifies that it not a phase, but a way of life.

The way some have looked at being trans gender is similar to the way I saw myself. Looking at my life, unhappy of the face looking back, considering all the consequences of coming out, trying to decide if it was worth all the hate, the pain, and critisim that comes with it. However, I finally went for it at the age of 32, and it was the greatest decision I could have made for myself. I tried to be what society wanted, but it wasn’t me and I couldn’t take hiding myself any more.

For me it wasn’t a phase, loving and wanting all that a girl could, I was mentally and physically forced into surpressing the desire to conform but in the end I couldn’t any more. So it may have been a very long time after, once I came out I had the desire the passion, the NO Regrets decision to present as my gender, female. My devotion to being myself was as natural as taking my first breath of air, and it sure felt like that.

I was so sure this was what I wanted, since as far back as I could, I just finally had the courage the strength to be me. I knew that there was nothing anymore, nothing in the entire universe that could ever change my decision to be the female I should have been born as. With that devotion, I’ve undergone surgery, including vaginoplasty and hair transplant, take hormones injections weekly dispite my fear of needles too this day. This was what I wanted.

So it was not a phase, it was only surpressed from family restraints. So if someone is presenting and going through trans gender changes, dont think it just a phase, it is there life at stake. It might feel like a phase and I do think kids need time to figure things out to be certain, but if they are continuously presenting for 2 years or more, or pushing really hard to show then trans gender side, don’t mock it up as some phase they will get over. Because, I know mine wasn’t and it only hurts them more to not believe them.

Love your kids, love your friends and family but if you think it just a phase be supportive because only the person experiencing the change knows the truth. Talk with them, let them express there side. Revisit the subject every 6 months and see if it still the same, if it is then it clearly not a phase.

I truly wish my parents would have listened back in the 90’s. Maybe then they could have seen it wasn’t a phase.

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Beauty Girl
A Trans Life

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”