The Trans Discourse is Missing Compassion

Too many people want their views to prevail at the expense of real lives

Trans Sandwiched
2 min readAug 29, 2023


Photo by Khadeeja Yasser on Unsplash

Over the past 3–5 years, I’ve been talking a lot about what has gone wrong with the trans discourse. While trans activists who won’t compromise, postmodernists who keep arguing that gender is a social construct, extreme gender critical activists who are opposed to any recognition of trans people at all, and right-wing culture warriors who want to defeat trans rights to ‘own the libs’ are all major problems, they essentially represent variations of the same theme: people missing compassion. Specifically, people who hold other goals, i.e. the triumph of their philosophical worldview, as more important than real lives in the real world. And that is a basically immoral position.

If only people would treat real lives in the real world as worthy of compassion, rather than as pawns in an abstract philosophical battle, then the aforementioned extreme positions wouldn’t even exist. Non-trans people would not want to ‘eradicate transgenderism from public life’, if they were only a bit more decent and compassionate. Likewise, trans people would be willing to listen to genuine, good faith concerns and criticism regarding trans activism, because they would also have more compassion for the concerned parties. The culture wars are making people mistrust each other, see each other in the most negative way, and ultimately lack compassion for each other. That is perhaps the real problem here.

Therefore, next time you look at trans controversies, or indeed any kind of controversy, perhaps it is useful to look at it from the compassion angle. It is definitely a refreshing way to see things. Perhaps the compassion angle can even help break some long-standing stalemates.

TaraElla is a singer-songwriter and author, who is the author of the Moral Libertarian Manifesto and the Moral Libertarian book series, which argue that liberalism is still the most moral and effective value system for the West.

She is also the author of The Trans Case Against Queer Theory and The TaraElla Story (her autobiography).



Trans Sandwiched

Author & musician. Moral Libertarian. Mission is to end the divisiveness of the 21st century West, by promoting libertarian reformism.