Creativity as a Remedy: Coping With Emotional Pain

One of the best ways of coping with and transforming emotional pain into something meaningful is to express it through creativity.

Mateja Klaric
Transform the Pain
Published in
5 min readDec 28, 2016


Variations on Edvard Munch’s Scream

Pain can lead to greatness

As much as we hate it, pain can be an incredible motivator. Art, for instance, is something that is often inspired by profound and deep suffering and some of the best works in history were created because of it.

Edvard Munch’s painting Scream, as a notable example, is an expression of hurt and frustration as an unavoidable part of human existence. It became one of the top 10 most popular and renowned paintings in the world.

Amazing, breathtaking music ranging from Mozart’s Requiem to Moby’s haunting melodies was also created as a response to the dark side of life.

