Coaching Yourself CALM — 3 Things Resilient People Don’t Do

Rita Hudgens
Transform University
5 min readMar 18, 2020

“Being brave isn’t the absence of fear. Being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it” — Bear Grylls

If you are in any type of leadership position, you are going to face tumultuous times in your personal life, and within your company or organization.

It’s never a matter of if but rather when.

At this current time, our world has been turned upside down. You don’t even have to watch the news; all you have to do is visit a grocery store or gas station. Lines are long, shelves are empty, and sadly some people’s identity has been reduced to fighting over toilet paper.

Anxiety, fear, hoarding, and chaos should not define you; the leader. You are the person who will be a difference-maker and lead the way with rock-solid composure, solutions, and confidence.

The tumultuous times are here but they don’t have to be devastating; you can make a positive impact in the world today by how you choose to face this current time of disorder.

We’ve been in the middle of a series entitled, Coaching Yourself CLUTCH. However, because of all the uncertainty and stress due to the Coronavirus, I’m switching the topic this week to Coaching Yourself CALM.

In today’s blog I will share 3 things resilient people don’t do in times of crisis and chaos.

1. Resilient People Don’t: Overthink


People who overthink dwell on something too much and too long. They give negative and toxic thoughts so much weight that it’s hard for them to exit this overthinking loop.

Usually, overthinking focuses on events that have happened in the past or it projects ominous things yet to come; future events. Basically, it’s worry and rumination which is so very dangerous to your health and happiness.

When you habitually overthink, you take things to the worst-case scenario and there is no rationale behind them.

Chronic worry puts you in the stress response and brings on a surge of adrenaline. If this triggered state continues, it could potentially lead to anxiety and set off a host of health problems. Just an FYI, this is one of the worst things you can do for your health during this time of crisis.

So what do you do to replace overthinking?

Gain Perspective

Get a crystal clear definition of all aspects of what is going on. In other words, what does this situation look like and how will you be impacted by it?

Most of the struggle in the midst of crisis comes from the unknown. Therefore, finding clarity on how change will affect your life proves to be very helpful in breaking down this wall. Get clarity on:

  • What you did previously that you now need to make some adjustments to.
  • How this change might make a positive impact on your life.
  • What resources you might have that you didn’t see before.

Getting clarity will help you see the bigger picture and give you a clearer direction and a plan to navigate the uncertainty.

2. Resilient People Don’t: Overreact

Resilient people maintain composure under pressure. When faced with crisis many people are governed by their emotions and react out of fear or impulse. Resilient leaders respond versus react. They stay in control of their emotions.

Maintain Your Control

Don’t react to the change — own it. Most people have a strong need for certainty; to be in control. Losing that sense of independence, or autonomy is a key player when facing turbulent times. In this particular season, everyone has been suddenly and violently kicked out of their comfort zones.

No one wants to lose what was familiar; leaving our comfort zone is never pleasant.

The truth is if you choose to own your change, you don’t have to lose anything. It all comes down to a choice; something you have 100% control over.

Look to see:

  • What do you still have control over?
  • How can you experience greater growth because of this change?
  • What opportunities might open up to you?

Authoring your change empowers you and enables you to keep your sense of autonomy.

3. Resilient People Don’t Have Fixed Mindsets

Resilience is the ability to handle whatever life throws at you and bounce back stronger than before. People with strong resilience skills don’t have a limited or fixed mindset — they have a growth or possibility mindset.

Think in Terms of Possibilities

As I’ve already stated, resiliency is the capacity to recover from difficult situations. As we are currently experiencing crisis in our world, life is a constant ebb and flow of emotional mountain tops and valleys. To successfully navigate through these changes, you must become strategic at learning new things and being flexible in adapting to the turbulence. A fixed mindset fights this change and loses. A possibility mindset is flexible and consequently sees opportunities others miss.

The good news is that cultivating a possibility mindset is a life skill that can be developed. In order to move the needle closer to what you want in life, you not only can’t be afraid of change — you must willingly embrace new concepts and innovations.

There is a myth that being flexible is showing weakness or caving in; settling or just getting by. The exact opposite is true. Adapting is sharpening strategies for dealing with the unknown; to go to places not suitable for the faint of heart. Adapting is refusing to put up with the status quo.

Fear and Anxiety Abound

I’m not going to lie; I’ve gone through my share of fighting anxious thoughts and emotions rooted in fear regarding this disease.

According to the experts, I’m at risk for contracting this Novel Coronavirus because I have compromised lungs.

I’ve had Valley Fever, Pneumonia, and have had to be incubated to save my life. I live with asthma. I share this with you not to draw attention to myself but to let you know that this is not my first rodeo facing fear, anxiety, and panic.

Because of what I’ve gone through in times of crisis, I have learned how to be better armed to fight anxiety and fear when it rears its ugly head.

Your Future Self

You will someday, hopefully, sooner than later, look back at this time of turmoil and see how you responded. As you visualize your future self reflecting back to this time and season, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What does your future self want to say about you at this time?
  • What positive impact did you contribute to others?
  • As a leader, what do you want people to say about how you handled this crisis?

My purpose in writing this blog for you is that it would equip and encourage you to be intentional about making resilience a goal, and to give you concrete action plans that you can implement immediately to help reduce any stress you might be experiencing.

As a result of reading this, hopefully, you feel equipped to lead more confidently during these uncertain times.

Make it a CALM day,

Always remember — Nothing is Impossible

Originally published at on March 18, 2020.



Rita Hudgens
Transform University

Personal Development Coach empowering individuals facing Inflection Points to Rise like Warriors and profess their Life Story. Founder of Transform University.