Stop Making New Year’s Resolutions and Start Achieving Your Goals

Rita Hudgens
Transform University
4 min readJan 1, 2020

Guess what, it’s that time of year…again. Every January the entire world is obsessed with making New Year’s resolutions; somehow magically thinking that this New Year will somehow be different.

New Year/New You

New Chapter/New Beginnings

20/20 Vision

All of the above clichés sound very poetic, but in reality, setting New Year’s resolutions never adds up to all the hype. People falsely think that when the clock strikes midnight, voila something is going to magically be different in their lives.

New Year’s Resolution Failure Rate

According to U.S. News and World Report, 80% of all New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Statistics show that less than 25% of people stay committed to their resolutions past 30 days and that only 8% of people accomplish them.

Why am I sounding so dismal? I’m not. I’m being honest with you. I want you to stop making New Year’s resolutions and start utilizing the power of goal setting.

My intention, in this blog post, is to plant some seeds for you to consider which will significantly help increase your chances of achieving your goals.

How to Set and Achieve Your Goals in 2020

Goal Setting/Goal Achieving

Goal setting is a skill you can learn and goal achieving is a process you can strengthen. There really is a magic weapon to your success and you don’t have to look far to find it. You have six powerful goal setting tools within you; they are your 6 Intellectual Faculties.

Let’s unpack them one by one.

Your 6 Intellectual Faculties that Lead to Goal Achievement

1. Imagination

Imagination is probably the most powerful of all the faculties. Nothing has ever been created that was not first imagined. The magical ability of imagination is inside all of us. It helps you “see” future possibilities in images and mental pictures.

Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, and the Wright brothers are great examples of people who used this faculty to create things they had only seen in their mind’s eye.

To develop this faculty, cast a strong vision and create a mental model of it. Visit it often.

2. Intuition

Intuition is your inner wisdom — your inner knowing. Although many people confuse intuition with a 6th sense, it is one of your mental faculties. It is that gut feeling you get that is trying to tell you something. It’s the ability to understand a situation or thought instinctively.

To start exercising this faculty, you must first be still enough to hear it. Be present and pay attention to your surroundings and your feelings. Make mental notes when you recognize that you are hearing from your gut.

3. Perception

Perception is your personal point of view — the old half empty half full analogy. Perception is what you believe to be true; it’s your belief system and it determines your attitude.

It’s extremely crucial for you to recognize when your perception is negative or skewed. Look for flaws in your perception. Ask yourself if you have a positive or a negative slant to your views. Make any adjustments necessary to gain clarity through your perception lens; knowing that perception is reality.

4. Memory

Memory is your historical past; it is retaining past experiences. You can use this memory muscle to your advantage but unfortunately, many people dwell on past mistakes rather than past successes and make decisions based on these mistakes. This is how limiting beliefs are created.

Keep a record of your past successes. Remember positive things you have accomplished in your past. This will help you build patterns of success.

5. Reasoning

Reasoning is an essential part of the mind. It is the logical faculty that allows you to think and plan. Reasoning makes sense of things and uses logic to draw conclusions. Your reasoning capabilities must be stretched in order for you to think beyond your current thinking.

If you’re setting goals based on your current reasonings; it’s highly unlikely that you’re going to produce something beyond what you are currently producing.

You’ve got to work on expanding your possibility thinking to enhance your reasoning skills.

6. Will

Will is the ability to laser focus on an idea or project — to concentrate. Your will includes self-discipline and willpower. This is a very powerful faculty for staying in the game and goal achievement.

Unlocking Your Achievement Potential

Challenge yourself to intentionally do something every day to unlock your goal achievement potential.

Utilizing all of your intellectual faculties increases your chances of developing a resilient mindset, unlocking your potential, and achieving your goals.

“The achievement of one goal should be the starting point of another.” Dale Carnegie

I wish you a very prosperous and joyful New Year

It’s time to say goodbye to old baggage


Time to say hello to new possibilities

Keep believing,

Always remember — Nothing is Impossible

Originally published at on January 1, 2020.



Rita Hudgens
Transform University

Personal Development Coach empowering individuals facing Inflection Points to Rise like Warriors and profess their Life Story. Founder of Transform University.