Introduction: FAQs

Harshal C Kulkarni
Transformation Challenge 8
2 min readSep 1, 2019
Photo by Lopez Robin on Unsplash

Question: What is TC 8.0?

Answer: It is 12 weeks transformation Challenge conducted by fittr/SQUATS

Question: What is this blog?

Answer: This blog is just my personal tracker to be accountable for my goals and plans devices to reach there and actual actions taken

Question: What is the approximate time period of this blog?

Answer: Same as TC 8.0 or something extra. we can say Sept-Nov 2019

Question: What are the major things to look at?

Answer: A. Daily Action Tracker & B. Daily Photo tracker

Question: Is there anything for me, as a reader?

Answer: Time will tell that, let’s find out.

Update : Date 5th Sept

So it has been 5 days

Things I am regular at is maintaining Google Sheet associated with the blog and taking photos. But sadly zero cheat day is not happening yet. Neither workout is regular. Heavy rains have spoiled the workout. Still trying to figure out ways to get back on track. Because

“I cannot go back and change the beginning, but I can start now and change the ending”

The goal for TC 8.0 is not to win, but for sure to be the best version of myself till date. And it will be extended till 31st Dec. Let’s find out.

Things to work on

  1. Need to be regular at workout — so need better Time Management
  2. Need to take workout to rigorous level as weight is not going down at all.
  3. Again better time management as sleep is not enough. So need to sleep early daily.

Let me focus on the above 3 updates, until next week.

Update : Date 5th Sept

Update : Date 5th Sept

Update : Date 5th Sept

Update : Date 5th Sept

Update : Date 5th Sept

