Lost & Found

Kirk Ream
Transformation Matters
2 min readSep 27, 2016

“Hey babe, have you seen my wallet?”

I ask my wife this question at least once or twice a week. You’d think after losing my wallet a few times I’d learn my lesson and place it in the same place every day. But I don’t.

This lack of consistency of “wallet placement” adds a surprisingly high amount of stress and wasted time to my life. Just last week on my “early” day for work, I spent at least 20 minutes uselessly searching all over the house. I had to go to work walletless, needing gas and hoping I won’t be pulled over by the local police for having the wrong license plate on my car. (But what are the chances of that? You’d be surprised).

Thankfully my wife found it later in the day. It was behind the couch. Why wouldn’t it be?

Vowing to be different, I decided I’d never lose my wallet again.

But less than two days later I’m sure my wife smiled when I came back in the house, wondering aloud, “Now where did I put that wallet?”

You’d think I’d learn my lesson. Unfortunately I don’t. In fact, I’ve realized I misplace things much more important than my wallet (No, it’s not my kids…. Usually).

It’s amazing how often I misplace my hope and trust. I place it in politicians. I put it in my bank account. I put in the letters behind my name. I put it in my own willpower. I’ve put my hope and trust in pretty much about everything.

Unfortunately, all of those things have left me down. Politicians have lied to me. The degrees I received are often inconsequential. Money comes and goes and don’t even get me started on the failings of my willpower. At the end of the day, my wallet seems like the easiest thing to find.

As we continue to put our hope in things that fail, we can easily become a cynical, anxious and angry people. It’s no coincidence we are living in a time of hate, frustration and chaos. For many, hope and trust have been misplaced. And we aren’t going to find them laying behind the couch.

So what do we do? Do we live jaded lives knowing nothing will ever live up to the hope we place in it? Or do we find something or better yet some One who is worthy of that hope?

I’ve reached the end of hoping in this world and all of it’s man-made creations. I think it’s time the Creator gets a shot. Something tells me I’ll find everything I’ve been looking for. (Maybe even my wallet).



Kirk Ream
Transformation Matters

A Carlisle native, Kirk spends his days helping build better lives at his gym Transformation Training & Fitness and his nights chasing five young children around with his wife Trinette. His writings are short, much like his attention span, but he hopes the lessons he’s learned will last a lifetime.