Two Feet Deep

Kirk Ream
Transformation Matters
3 min readAug 23, 2016

“How deep is the ocean daddy?” my daughter Riley asked as we prepared to leave for vacation.

“It’s really deep sweetie” I replied.

“Can I touch?” she asked, wondering if she’d be able to feel the bottom of the ocean with her feet.

“No, sweetie. Daddy can’t even touch.”

With a thoughtful look, she calmly replied, “We can touch in the beginning daddy.”

She was right. I hadn’t thought of that part of the ocean. Upon hearing her question, my mind immediately went to the dark, unknown depths. You know the part where unknown species swim and light can’t even penetrate the darkness.

But in her mind, she correctly saw that the ocean starts where it meets the shore. It’s there she could touch. It’s the ocean she knew.

Maybe it’s because we are wired differently. Maybe it’s because she’s 8 and full of hope but I’m 40 and know the unfairness of life. Regardless, we viewed the ocean completely different. I’m thankful she’s brought me back to the shore. And I’m hopeful I can take her to the unknown.

The same ocean that is shallow and known, is also deep and undiscovered. Its where we choose to stand that makes the difference.

There are times in our lives where we are called to stand in the shallow water. In fact, it’s a great place to be. There are no big waves here, no breakers and usually no fish that can eat you. We can stand firmly here. It feels good and safe.

It’s funny when a new opportunity comes my way my mind usually goes to the dark unknown. “What if’s” abound and before I know it I’ve been mentally pushed out to sea, passing on the opportunity because there are too many uncertainties.

Riley reminded me every opportunity starts shallow. We don’t need to know all the answers ahead of time. We can start where the ocean meets the shore, where our footing is secure. Not everything is scary and unknown. We can take great comfort in standing in the shallow water.

But there are also times where God calls us to live in the deep waters. It’s in these times where our feet can’t touch and we don’t know where the bottom is (or what’s even out there) that our insecurities and fears thrive. When we are brought to the end of our own abilities, we quickly learn lessons we could have never understood standing in the shallows. But when we have nothing left of us, we have no choice but to trust and rely on the very God who brought us out to the deep to begin with.

During our vacation, Riley and I walked out of the shallows into the deep water. It wasn’t long before her little feet could no longer touch. As the waves began to roll, she clung to me, trusting I wouldn’t let her go. Her face showed fear but she went anyway. After 5–10 minutes the fear gave way to excitement as she laughed and smiled, having the adventure of her lifetime. At no point did she wonder if I’d let her go.

I wonder if that’s the life God is calling us to. Leading us into deeper water where our footing isn’t sure. Asking us to cling to Him and promising the adventure of a lifetime if we’d simply trust and take that first step.

I guess there’s only one way to find out.

I hope this story helps you enjoy the view from the shore but also challenges you step into the deep. If you’d like more stories like this be sure to follow Transformation Matters by clicking here.



Kirk Ream
Transformation Matters

A Carlisle native, Kirk spends his days helping build better lives at his gym Transformation Training & Fitness and his nights chasing five young children around with his wife Trinette. His writings are short, much like his attention span, but he hopes the lessons he’s learned will last a lifetime.