Piney Point Toxic Leak

Could have been avoided if anyone had cared enough.

Karen Madej
Transformation Pending


By Biswamberpal — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

Piney Point, Florida, in 1966, Borden Chemical opened up an industrial plant to process phosphate. The principal ingredient in fertilizer. Four years later authorities learned the company was dumping waste in Bishop Harbour which is now part of the Terra Ceia Wildlife Preserve State Park.

Effective April 3, 2021: In accordance with the mandatory evacuation order issued by Manatee County, Terra Ceia Preserve State Park is temporarily closed.

The Terra Ceia Preserve State Park is now open. Plus:

The Department of Environmental Protection filed a complaint in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court of Manatee County on Aug. 5, initiating enforcement action against HRK Holdings, LLC. Learn more by reviewing DEP’s filed complaint and a frequently asked questions document.

Farmers are using fertilizers that don’t even need to be used

Isn’t it ironic that the phosphate mining process's final product, fertilizer, does not need to exist? It exists though because it makes millions of dollars of revenue every year. By extracting the phosphate, processing it, and selling off only a tiny percentage of waste or by-product fluoride, to the public water authority…

