How does the Technological NOW mold humanity’s NEXT WellTech Evolution?

Liza Lichtinger
Transformative Technology
13 min readMay 18, 2020

The Great Call to LIVE (CO-VIDA)

Three areas of acceleration in the Human Tech symbiosis:

Making strides in WellTech, the wellness and tech ecosystem, impacts Future Basics, Future of Work, and Future of Life more than ever. What does that mean for YOU NOW and what is NEXT?

Where Tech leads us

The Human Tech Symbiosis encourages the human race to ascend steadily by unlocking parts of our cognition, emotions, and physiology. Technology has integrated to assist with the process to free us from the density holding us back from our potential, accelerating our ascension into a Technological Future. The Future includes our relationship with self healing due to giving our power, capacity, and consciousness away to artificial Technology.

Until we fully master the use and application of the greatest technology — ourselves — within and in extension of our own physical bodies, we will remain separated from healing and advancement as a human species.

What NOW?

Human evolution necessitates a leveling up of intelligence by advancing our emotive capacity. When we are home, we question the very nature of the present, what it means to stay calm, centered, encouraged to surrender to the new NOW being birthed. If we embrace the reality of our solitude to dance in the uncertainty of the quarantine period by staying in place, we beg the questions: What is your purpose? Where to invest? What NOW?

It’s like an onion layer you peel away. Maybe at the heart beneath all of that there could be a beautiful nothingness. I am nobody, yet I am everybody. Identity is a concentric layer of stories… a character in a play we have been coauthoring.

Tim Chang

Last quarter digital communication propelled humanity forward. An acceleration via social media fostered humanity as a whole to place into practice adapting towards a healthy economic output. As the keyholders to the factors that influence our daily living and emotional wellbeing, we are asked to take another look at how technology regulates our emotional wellbeing as we dive deeper into hybridization interfacing. In my Fall 2019 publication, I asked you to imagine a change in the Technological Future. Did you imagine gimme shelter? Think about a forest.

Think about each tree. Think of the intersection where the roots connect beneath the soil, under the earth. Now think of a bird, perhaps an owl, an inhabitant of the tree. The tree and its network is meant to provide a shelter in place, protection from outside elements, nourishment, much like the fabric that weaves itself through the delicate firmament of our society. The forest biodiversity matrix we built to nourish us and maintain engagement, spreads our sentiments as we opt in as participants in this global hive mind.

Overall in the world what is happening is a calling home to a remote lifestyle. In this compulsory quarantine period the opportunity is to join team human. As a species we have been given separation to reunite in a novel way. Be it isolating in the face of solitude, humanity has not been equipped to know how to think, behave, help their fellow human. We face the most terrifying hardships to master : “Who are you when alone?”

Most of society’s lack of discipline, internal resources, overextension, bad investments, and economic preparation has not proved sufficient for a time of uncertainty, existential angst, and financial collapse. As the smog clears on the planet, we breathe for the first time. With this new breath, a new understanding of our global cultural sensibilities mirrors generation omega. The curious characters on the stage of humanity a byproduct of what is happening. COVID-19 leads a reformation of global climate change.

What NEXT?

You expand and extend yourself virtually, your home close to your heart, even closer your WiFi. Arguably, keeping our WiFi close to our hearts allows us to execute the wishes and desires of our heart in virtuality. NEXT is symbiosis.

The Future of Basics, Home is where the WiFi is

Future Basics includes methodologies and frameworks to help minimize distressing impact of the future of life on the biosphere, cognition, and emotional body. There are various basics that lead up to the at Home Business and the remote Lifestyle Future. Over the past 11 months we have reached success in our at home Resilience Recovery Program. Thanks to our successful research phase, strategic integration with Tonal will measure brain activity in our “Resilience in Your Pocket” upcoming TT Pod Launch.

Recently I have been looking at Tonal for its home lifestyle benefit. We are glad to add a further layer of telemetry on coaching for Tonal users.

Tim Chang thoughts on Tonal:

“It’s nice to look in a mirror or watch static fitness videos on a TV or mobile phone. Or ride your bike-with-a-screen at home. But the truth is that strength training, functional strength and flexibility may be the most critical aspects of fitness as you get older. And Tonal is a total game changer in terms of intelligence, sleek design, compact size, full range functionality, adaptive content and training, self spotting and advanced resistance training modes.

Healthdom is a preventative health platform that suggests screenings to prevent illness. Stoic a self-reflection journal offers to you mindfulness exercises through philosophical insights. I’ll be watching these three products, yet what has drawn my attention is Tonal for it’s ease of use.

The Future of Work

There is no Future of Work. There is no new normal. What you have been told the Future of Work includes has been the most fascinating cognitive and biopsychosocialogical shift in our human timeline. The Future of work brings you home to a Society where “work” and “leisure” environments become indistinguishable as the COVID-19 pandemic quantum leaps.

Alert investors likely to carry on with recently developed investment aims. Macro perspective market outlooks have investors taking a look at new investments such as digital currencies, when managing prospective risks to existing holdings, in efforts to evaluate economic stimulus attempts of governments and central banks. Warren Buffet stated he has not done anything attractive, [in new investments], “the future is much less clear to me” (Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder meeting May 2, 2020).

“Having weathered every business downturn for nearly fifty years, we’ve learned an important lesson — nobody ever regrets making fast and decisive adjustments to changing circumstances. In downturns, revenue and cash levels fall faster than expenses. In some ways, business mirrors biology. As Darwin surmised, those who survive are not the strongest or most intelligent, but the most adaptable to change” Sequoia Capital.

As capital markets shift in to a Wellbeing Economy, a new opportunity emerges backed and anchored by the Wellness Technology ecosystem. Funding sources to check out in Mental Health and Wellness continue to grow. Mental health startup investors list here, while funding approvals in WellTech and the Mental Health landscape increase [ March 2020 list].

L.Lichtinger Emotional Motivational diagram (related to Springer publication).

Human Resources companies ask us to help monitor employee performance, health and wellness. Global monitoring of human movement and human physiology can do wonders for optimizing global health, during a pandemic and otherwise. To Goertzel, it would best be done with decentralized, secure tools. Otherwise, great trust is placed in entities that gather and utilize data for helpful things in the pandemic, but not to leverage data-gathering capabilities later in the interest of goals different from global human benefit.

L.Lichtinger diagram shows the predictions of positive behavioral change based on positively skewed motivational models on decision making. One example on how this model is applied was with my work with DeepakChopra in creating the vritual avatar “DigitalDeepak MindTwin: for the purpose of him to meditate you to the end of your days. Coudl be one of the more favorable use case of agents out there in the wild when compared to the alternatives out there leading you into a negative loop weak & dead.

L.Lichtinger working with theDigital Deepak Mind Twin in the context of integrity in conversational AI chatbot.

The bonds that we make on social media show us a perspective of the world curated based on our geographical location and geopolitical climate. An event of such magnitude and global collective compliance directs humanity from using social media for communications, which already commands most human’s attention quotient, to mandatory use of tech platforms as an integrated hybrid social habit for humankind. Social norms and social signaling will never be the same again for all cultural regions on the planet.

There are few moments in history when the foundation of society shifts upside down in such a short time. Over the course of mere weeks, we have witnessed an upending of our entire economy and the most basic tenets of social life. — WIRED

NOW, front line and center, we have doubtless clarity on the fact that we need to steward the thread of Wellness and the NEXT Future Design of Life. This is our fork in the woods — a moment when we collectively take the road less travelled. How will YOU make all the difference NOW and NEXT?

The Future of Work, Life and Society at HOME

In What the Technological Future holds for Humanity, I hint at how emotional and cognitive responses to change will shift our relationship to the amounts of data society digests. The impact will reorientate our communication in our lifestyle, social societal relationships, in the re-development of our core values, ethics, virtues, morals, integrity in technology and business.

The opportunities available to us in the New World go back to the roots of the hacienda, except we are not Spanish Indies evolving our estancias. A return to civilization as a powerful economic unit outside of the countryside and preeminent source of social status during and post COVID-19. Civilization and human nature arguably relies on the human species being social creatures, achieving aspirations working together. The antihuman infrastructure has amplified our ability to connect, while our standards for connecting adjust drastically to living a la Co-VIDA (n. cohabitation).

According to Psychiatry & Behavioral Health Learning Network COVID-19 is much more than a virus directly affecting the Mental Health of Americans, as 48% are anxious about the possibility of getting the coronavirus, 40% are anxious about becoming seriously ill or dying from COVID-19, and 62% are anxious about the possibility of a friend or loved one getting the infection. 36% of Americans believe coronavirus has a serious impact on their mental health, and 59% say it is having a serious impact on their everyday lives. Some 57% are concerned the pandemic will have a serious impact on their finances, 68% worry it will have a long-lasting effect on the economy, and nearly half worry about running out of food, medicine, and/or supplies. Suicidal ideation is on high, meaning and purpose in life is in question.

Clinical data shows that in the absence of treatment, patients face a significantly higher risk of becoming fully depressed again. Working up to a resilience recovery state is NOW more than ever the NEXT integration for governments, educational systems, biodiversity ventures, and Leadership.

The higher rates of dropout are somewhat offset by fact that you can reach many more people with online treatment. But, there’s still room for improvement and we will be looking at our user metrics and outcomes for ways to make MMB more engaging and durable. — Segal.

Earlier this week, Medicare announced that it would temporarily expand coverage for providers using tele-health based services, including mental health counseling, and the government is also making it easier for patients to use apps like FaceTime and Skype. Meanwhile, the Drug Enforcement Administration is also making it easier to “e-prescribe” certain controlled substances, including those that treat mental health conditions.

How will Talkspace, BetterHelp, Wysa, Woebot, Crisis Text Lines, keep up with ethical standards and follow non harm protocols when they were never purposed as long-term, or credible sources of care?

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is fueling demand for digital mental health tools as apps, chatbots, and text-a-therapist platforms report an influx of users in search of much-needed help. Given the current realities of life in our increasingly digital world — and the demands of social distancing — it makes sense that people turn to remote sources of psychological support.

X2ai whom I was asked to audit and advise on ethical interaction and integrity based behavior sequencing several years ago recently stated that the number of users mentioning coronavirus to its AI-powered mental health chatbot “Tess” has shot up 20 times in the past week. “Tess” adjusts some of its dialogue based on it’s findings to address the coronavirus, and still fails to be equipped to deliver any useful method for resilience recovery or psychologically safe relief. Meanwhile, chatbot creators race to incorporate content related to coronavirus-related anxiety. Proves the necessity for the human in the loop.

Talkspace reports the volume of platform users is up about 25 percent since the middle of February 2020 with accelerating growth. One of its primary competitors, BetterHelp, states new member numbers starting its service has spiked, with new users who mentioned concerns about stress and anxiety during the past two months have more than doubled compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, mental health chatbots Wysa and Woebot have seen usage go up. Crisis Text Line reports a volume of messages has jumped by more than 116 percent. Keep in mind that the service isn’t meant to be a long-term source of care, and you’re generally chatting with a volunteer counselor.

Many reach ZOOM fatigue and turn to Rushkoff is of the opinion that Zoom conversations erode social bonds. Human beings require input from organic, three-dimensional space in order to establish trusting relationships or maintain peace of mind. Our mechanisms for painstakingly establishing camaraderie and team rapport cease to function.

MIT introduces Emerald to monitor COVID-19 patients remotely, Startups use Coronavirus to pivot during this digital divide, and this is only the beginning of a global refocusing of battling decision fatigue on social media. Post pandemic playbooks seek to reposition leadership as responsible and responsive, reminding leaders of mastery to remain in harmony. Key priorities in post pandemic forecasts direct innovation in Human Capital Development.

Outcomes of emergence? A drastic paradigm shift necessary to better understand evolutionary implications to take place for humanity, for multi-agent, self-organizing cyberspace supported by and expressed through all extant future computing networking technologies. Outcomes will be the change in nature of the usefulness, utility and effectiveness of the world wide web, all systems in extension interacting, including YOU. This is a simulation towards innovative deployment implemented to diffused our human organizational and societal context. The manner in which you self-organize NOW will impact the political and conceptual outcome elements emergent in the evolutionary paradigm shift NEXT in self-organization of cyberspace.

Given the emphasis on remote working, hyper focus on self-driving vehicle transit and air travel emerges. Thus I coined the term WellTech, made public during my Keynote at GWS, when alerting the audience of the global collective wellbeing opportunity ahead of us. As automation relieves the driver and passenger in-car, it also offers an alternative to traditional entertainment inflight. The general passenger in transport transitions and we focus on the strategy and measuring wellbeing in transit. This resulted in the an offer for partnership with Lufthansa and I look forward to more inflight partnerships as well welcome aligned vehicle partnerships.

The Future of Life and Society in COMMUNITY

In the quiet we can manifest, learning to be with the self, to remind us of our humanity on the planet, and how we have been through pandemics before.

Supertree Grove at Gardens by the Bay in Singapore

The robotic mind, that which has been shaped and molded militantly, loses the ability to remain open, to welcome new insights, to live from shoshin (beginner’s mind; absence the grave of creativity). Creativity is the life force from which we all originate. Without access to or ability, we dwell in stagnation, grow old in mentality, continuing self- defeating patterns.

One main point from Shunryu Suzuki of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind is to be fluid, to remain and maintain flexibility in thought, behaviors, and actions.

On one end of the spectrum we are being onboarded for online virtual reality, on the other end, we did not expect, we are shown value of nature’s gifts.

What does the Future Hold at Home and Beyond?

Hyperbolic Time Changer Emergence

NOW I’d like to ask all readers to think about what YOU thought over the past few weeks. The keys to doors you have will unlock and clear cognitive fog.

The keys of the NOW that will lead you and all those whom you interact with to what you create NEXT. What is happening overall and how the world will look in 2026? What does society look like in this world? What do you understand about yourself and the world? Where has progress led us, what specific points in history and in the economy could we learn from? What were the biggest obstacles leading up to March 2020 and ramifications to the structure we have designed for ourselves? What have you learned about how Technology has redesigned YOU NOW? How will you balance your virtual with your natural world? Stay tuned I share more about this topic in my Pods.

About Me:

Liza Lichtinger, M.S. is a Psychologist, Wellness Tech Oracle, Futurist, thought-leading executive, VC advisor on the neurobehavioral drivers of financial and human performances, former Dir. of Research at AI Foundation, presently CEO at Future Design Life, which globally deploys EPICC-8, her Resilience Recovery Response“Resilience in Your Pocket” to incentivize investors and entrepreneurs to adopt practices that serve the greater good and embrace sustainability and circular economies. The primary question Liza asks is, “What makes humans resilient and what role does technology have in the ecosystem?”

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Liza Lichtinger
Transformative Technology

Wellness Tech Oracle. Writer for @swisscognitive, @Transtechlab.