How to Scale without Losing your Way: Entrepreneurship and Innovation as a Developmental Path

Nichol Bradford
Transformative Technology
4 min readAug 15, 2018


(and why that really matters when making Transformative Tech)!

Introducing the Transformative Tech Academy Personal Development Program by the Coach Partners at Evolution

The ability for technology to measure, stimulate, and influence the human mind is increasing rapidly. This new accelerating power will have a massive impact on our species.

We stand for that impact to be positive and in service to the humans who use these technologies. Creating this positive vision requires 4 things of the entrepreneur and innovator:

  1. They recognize the global need and opportunity for modernizing mental and emotional support and development.
  2. They see business as a vehicle for change in the world.
  3. They invest in building change-maker skills.
  4. They evolve as people.

The World Needs Transformative Tech

This tech is a requirement, not a luxury. It also represents a $3TN market opportunity. We focus on tech because it can create scalable, accessible and affordable solutions. Read here for details.

Business is a Vehicle for Change

We focus on tech entrepreneurs and innovators because we believe that sustainable change requires sustainable businesses. Shifting 1 Billion people to higher levels of mental and emotional wellbeing cannot be approached like a fad. This goal requires real companies developing wow! solutions. And the market agrees — more than 85% of millennials correlate their purchasing decisions and their willingness to recommend a brand to the social good efforts a company is making. Employees expect the companies that they work at to also address social change.

Changing the World Requires Skills

Building a company is not easy. Transformative tech companies face the same obstacles of any tech category. Start-ups and new business units fail for many reasons. However, the human issues are usually a big source of failure — leadership, communication, trust, and culture. Navigating these well requires skills. Committed teams who recognize the connection are beginning to also commit to their human development as a part of achieving their business goals.

The Evolution Team says it this way, “We believe business is a force for good and has become the primary vehicle for change in the world. The best way to affect this change is to support leaders, teams and organizations to go deep and find out who they truly are — both their unique greatness and their shadows — and then integrate these aspects in all they do. Through this work, a leader, a team and a business can live in alignment with their purpose and have the best chance of realizing their vision for the world.”


You Build What You Are. Successful Transformative Tech companies will be very powerful. Remember, these are products that are built from the outset with the explicit intention to affect the human mind. With this power comes great responsibility. Leadership, communication, trust and culture will be key as the company grows in order to stay in alignment with ethics, values, and a service orientation to the humans who trust that company.

Changing the world is no small task — it is a heroic journey. Succeeding on that journey requires the leader to learn to manage stress, anxiety, and fear. The mental and emotional health of the founder impacts their ability to build a culture, lead a team, and retain a vision. In this way, their level of consciousness is tied to what shows up as the company’s culture.

The Evolution Team believes that “a change in leaders’ levels of consciousness affects interactions between individuals and provides subtle yet transformative cultural shifts. Creating alignment in organizational structure, processes, systems and governance with the overall essence of a business ensures the business will maintain its course and successfully achieve its purpose.”

Get Evolution

That’s why we’re so excited to partner with Evolution. Evolution is a coaching, consulting, and investment firm that partners with start-up and high-growth companies to drive long-term, holistic success through developing leadership, alignment and culture. They work exclusively with companies that strive to be iconic, world-enriching, evolutionary businesses, such as Slack, Radiology Partners,, Density, and Dropbox.

Our 1st cohort starts on September 15th. All of them have something in common: they are shaping the future of Wellbeing and the Human Mind. They are making the world a better place by transforming human possibility — starting from the inside out. The entire cohort will have the opportunity to complete a development program designed by Evolution.

The Top Ten teams will be coached directly by Evolution as well as be invited to pitch onstage at the Transformative Technology Conference, Nov 9 & 10 in Palo Alto, CA. This is an incredible opportunity to increase their potential for success. They will receive personal and professional support to develop a change in their levels of consciousness that will have an impact not only at the individual and personal level, but will also have an effect on their company, their relations and the culture in general.

At TTA, we’re proud to prioritize founder development. One, because a founder’s level of consciousness and mental and emotional health is one of the most significant requirements for success for a young business. And two, because who they are shapes the social change itself.

If you want to be part of the change, apply here!

Thanks to our generous sponsors —, Evolution, Joyance Partners, Joy Ventures, Mayfield Partners, Elevation Capital, and Jazz Ventures.


Nichol, Rui, Jeffery, Paola & the Transformative Tech Team



Nichol Bradford
Transformative Technology

Nichol Bradford. Building the Future of Human Possibility by leveraging Tech for Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Joy.