Introducing the Transformative Tech Academy — Our Why

Nichol Bradford
Transformative Technology
5 min readJun 8, 2018


The 1st Online Academy for Companies Leveraging Tech for Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Joy (Sept 15 — Oct 15)

We’re thrilled to introduce the Transformative Tech Academy, a one-month online no fee/no equity program to support entrepreneurs and innovators using tech to expand human possibility.

People are having a hard time.

If you follow the stats then you know that the human mind is on fire. Global stress, anxiety, fear, depression, loneliness, low trust and despair is accelerating around the world, across cultures, cohort, and countries. Humans are having a hard time with change. Emotional contagion stirs the pot and now that we are all connected through social media, fear in one place travels easily. This is why, even though by most objective measures the human condition is better than it has ever been, many do not feel that way.

This is also an extraordinary and wonderful time.

Due to exponential tech, and a long history of medical and psychological research, technology can now be leveraged to help humans:

  1. Reduce stress, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and fear
  2. Develop strong self-awareness, resilience, sense of happiness, emotional wellbeing and social skills
  3. Embody purpose, surpass self-actualization, increase joy or elevate consciousness
  4. Expand mental and emotional intelligence
  5. Experience transformation and deep connection

(Examples of applications here.) (See detailed Exponential Tech for Transformative Tech breakdowns here.)

We’re organizing the Academy for 4 reasons:

One, on the market side — the timing is now. We are at a ripe confluence of Need/Economic Impetus, Demand/Behavior Change, and Means/Emerging Tech*, that signals a market opportunity acceleration. The market opportunity today is already at $3TN. This will grow as more of the enabling technologies shift from the “cusp” of impact to being suitable to deliver transformative product experiences.

We believe that sustainable change requires sustainable companies, hence our focus on entrepreneurship and company building, and our excitement about where this sector is on an exponential curve. (Check out this Market Map)

Two, on the entrepreneur side —the need is now. Entrepreneurs as a group tend to recognize opportunity, sense cultural changes, and understand the emerging tech and as such the number of transformative tech companies is spiking up, globally. We want to help them save time, gain momentum, and develop as leaders.

Given the power of these technologies to shape human psychology, we feel that founder development is as important as the product. This tech is moving too fast for regulation, and as such the self-awareness of the founders is crucial to make thoughtful decisions about ethics, privacy and more. As the largest community in this space, we want to institutionalize a culture of founder development now, at the beginning. We’ve partnered with Evolution to create the path for this. As the coaches for Slack, Dropbox,, Coursera, Eero, Tile, and many early-stage startups, including select Techstars classes, we’re excited about this partnership.

Three, the problem is urgent — I believe that Humanity has 10–15 years to raise the baseline of mental health, social emotional skills, and human capability in order to catch-up to the transition into the Future of Work and the changing skills required to be employable and Future Ready. The inner growth and development that was once a luxury will become a requirement because the skills that are compensated will be based on being good at being human. See a detailed problem overview here: The Universal Problem of the Human Mind.

Four, solving this is doable — I’m excited and optimistic given the confluence of need, demand, and tech — but there is no time to waste. Also, beyond solving problems, the opportunity exists with much of the same technology to expand and enhance human wellbeing beyond what humanity has known to date. Expect a post on this soon.

We need many solutions because humans are highly varied. This means we need many Jedis building tech-based, scalable, accessible, and affordable products and services towards this end, which is where the Academy comes in.

In the Academy, entrepreneurs will:

  • Be immersed in the latest studies and technologies in this arena
  • Interact with industry leaders who understand and are committed to this marketplace and its possibilities
  • Thrive and build a network in a community of like-minded entrepreneurs
  • Access investors interested in Transformative Tech
  • Finish having considered their values, beliefs and blindspots

If you are a founder, please apply here. When you become a part of the Academy, you join a community dedicated to leveraging tech to expand human possibility through improving mental health, happiness, thriving and joy. You’ll get significant feedback, forge connections, and graduate as a member of the Academy. You’re also welcome to join us at the Transformative Tech Conference on Nov 9th and 10th in Palo Alto, CA. The top companies from the Academy will pitch onstage at the conference to investors. They will also receive 3 months of coaching from Evolution. The Academy is an unprecedented opportunity for you — do not miss it.

If you are an investor interested in Transformative Tech, email us at to connect.

We look forward to working with Transformative Tech startups and those investors that truly believe in the future of human possibility.

We’re extremely grateful to our generous sponsors —, Evolution, Joyance Partners, Joy Ventures, Mayfield Partners, Elevation Capital, and Jazz Ventures.

In excitement.

Nichol, Rui, Jeffery, May & the Transformative Tech Team

For updates, subscribe to our newsletter.


About the Transformative Tech Lab

The Transformative Tech Lab is the largest global community of entrepreneurs and innovators using tech to expand human joy and possibility.

  • We serve motivated and talented people building transformative tech worldwide by helping them find feedback, funding, and friends.
  • We gather, connect, and inspire our community by hosting the Transformative Tech Conference and Expo, the largest gathering dedicated to expanding human possibility through tech. Buy tickets here.
  • Through our Academy, we index the global ecosystem, connect the players, and identify top potentials. We are the only global tech program seeking to advance participant’s companies, skillsets, and personal transformation.
  • A 501c3 non-profit organization.




Nichol Bradford
Transformative Technology

Nichol Bradford. Building the Future of Human Possibility by leveraging Tech for Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Joy.