TTA Criteria — What is a Transformative Technology Company?

Nichol Bradford
Transformative Technology
5 min readJun 8, 2018


One of the questions we’re hearing is people wondering how to know if a company is Transformative Tech. Here’s how we look at it:

  1. What problem are you solving?
  2. Are you using exponential tech to solve that problem?
  3. Or, what specific method of change within tech are you using to solve that problem?

1) What problem are you solving?

You are making Transformative Tech, if you are using technology to help humans:

  1. Reduce stress, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and fear
  2. Develop strong self-awareness, resilience, sense of happiness, and social skills and emotional wellness
  3. Embody purpose, surpass self-actualization, increase joy, increase calm, or elevate consciousness
  4. Expand mental and emotional intelligence
  5. Experience transformation and deep connection

If your tech product supports mental health, wellbeing or joy — or any exploration inward to improve the human experience — it is Transformative Tech.

If your tech product is helping people Get Future Ready by teaching social-emotional skills or deepening self-awareness and emotional self-regulation — it is Transformative Tech.

If you are a neuroscientist, behavioral scientist, or engineer using technology to address these areas — you are making Transformative Tech.

2) Using Exponential Technology to support human possibility.

You are making Transformative Tech, if you are using exponential tech in the following ways to solve problems in #1 [this list is not exhaustive]:

  1. AI & Robotics — Pattern Recognition (Behavior, Mood, Learning) / Emotion Recognition (Face, Voice, NLP) / Compassionate, Supportive or Attentive AGI & ChatBots / Depression Bots / Coach Bots / Diagnosis @ Scale / Comparative Psychological Models + Unique Personalization / Comfort Elder Robot Attendants / Digital Friends
  2. Networks & Computing Systems — Massive Psychological Data Sets / Ubiquitous Tracking of Life Data / Proliferation and Virtualization of Sensors for Behavior and Emotion Tracking / Smarter IOBT (Internet of Better Things) / Smart Houses @ Smart Cars to Monitor & Support Psychological Growth & State/ Uploads / Digital Behavior Twins / Affective Computing / Persuasive Computing
  3. Medicine and Neuroscience — Age of the Brain & The Mind (mutually reinforcing, insight in one adds insight to another) / Brain Research / Neurotech / Neuro-Enhancement / Neurostim / Group Neurodata Syncs/ Psychological Tech / Behavior Change / Digital Selfie & Life + Behavior Data Integration / Vagus Nerve / Aspirational Avatars / Happiness Engineering / Augmentation / Digital Replikas
  4. Biotechnology & Bioinformatics — DNA — Brain and Gut / Depression and DNA / Glucose & Mood / Food & Mood / Biome and Behavior + Psychology / Design — Biostim / Group Biodata Synch / Bio-design
  5. Nanotechnology & Digital Fabrication — Sensor miniaturization for monitoring & support / Personalized devices and sensors / Augmentation
  6. Energy & Environmental Systems — Mentally and emotionally supportive cities, offices, and homes via light, sound, smell, power / Home AI for everything
  7. AR & VR — Immersive & Layered Personal and Social Development Experiences
  8. Blockchain — Digital EMR for Psychological Data / Blockchain to Track Wellbeing / Blockchain to incentivize behavior change

3) Using technology as a method of change for mental health, emotional wellbeing, and human thriving.

You are making Transformative Tech, if you are using the following methods of change to address problems in #1 [this list is not exhaustive, see chart below]:

  1. Sensor Tech (Wearables, Hearables, Remote / Environmental)
  2. Data Tech (AI, Big Data, Real Time Analytics)
  3. NeuroTech (EEG, fMRI)
  4. Neurostim Tech (tXCS, tRNS, DBS, CNS, TUS, FUS, TMS)
  5. Biofeedback Tech (EDA, Heart, Temp, Breath)
  6. Bio Tech (Genetics, Biome)
  7. Biostim Tech (Vagus Nerve, Peripheral Nerves)
  8. Perception Tech (VR, AR)
  9. Sleep Tech (Monitoring, Improvement)
  10. Healthy Spaces Tech (Design, IOT, Air, Water, Lighting, Materials)
  11. App Tech (Gaming, Gamification, Apps, Social, Behavior)

If you are doing any of the above, you are making Transformative Tech and we want to connect with you. If tech you are using is NOT on this list, but it IS helping the human mind, you are still making Transformative Tech so please get in touch. We want to help you save time, gain momentum, and develop as leaders through the Transformative Tech Academy.

In the Academy, entrepreneurs will:

  • Be immersed in the latest studies and technologies in this arena
  • Interact with industry leaders who understand and are committed to this marketplace and its possibilities
  • Thrive and build a network in a community of like-minded entrepreneurs
  • Access investors interested in Transformative Tech
  • Finish having considered their values, beliefs and blindspots.

If you are a founder, please apply here. When you become a part of the Academy, you join a community dedicated to leveraging tech to expand human possibility through the vectors of mental health, happiness, thriving and joy. You’ll get significant feedback, forge connections, and graduate as a member of the Academy. You’re also welcome to join us at the Transformative Tech Conference on Nov 9th and 10th in Palo Alto, CA. The top companies from the Academy will pitch onstage at the conference to investors. They will also receive 3 months of coaching from Evolution. The Academy is an unprecedented opportunity for you — do not miss it.

If you are an investor interested in Transformative Tech, email us at to connect.

We look forward to working with Transformative Tech startups and those investors that truly believe in the future of human possibility.

We’re extremely grateful to our generous sponsors —, Evolution, Joyance Partners, Joy Ventures, Mayfield Partners, Elevation Capital, and Jazz Ventures.

In excitement,

Nichol, Rui, Jeffery, May & the Transformative Tech Team

For updates, subscribe to our newsletter.


About the Transformative Tech Lab

The Transformative Tech Lab is the largest global community of entrepreneurs and innovators using tech to expand human joy and possibility.

  • We serve motivated and talented people building transformative tech worldwide by helping them find feedback, funding, and friends.
  • We gather, connect, and inspire our community by hosting the Transformative Tech Conference and Expo, the largest gathering dedicated to expanding human possibility through tech. Buy tickets here.
  • Through our Academy, we index the global ecosystem, connect the players, and identify top potentials. We are the only global tech program seeking to advance participant’s companies, skillsets, and personal transformation.
  • A 501c3 non-profit organization.



Nichol Bradford
Transformative Technology

Nichol Bradford. Building the Future of Human Possibility by leveraging Tech for Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Joy.