Eat Less, Stay Full: Cut Calories Without Going Hungry

Calorie restriction can help you live healthier and longer

Sudiksha Dhoot
Transformative Tonic


Calorie restriction, reducing daily caloric intake while maintaining proper nutrition, drives fat loss and boosts heart health. Increasingly, data indicates that moderate calorie restriction without malnutrition protects against obesity, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic risk factors associated with cancer.

While the underlying mechanisms are still unknown, calorie restriction is known to extend life-span.

But maintaining a calorie deficit can spur hunger. We can either ignore this hunger by wielding our willpower or succumb to it by snacking. Leaning on motivation and self-restraint to thwart persistent hunger is likely unsustainable in the long-term (I’d probably give up by dinner time).

Besides, even if you’re a storehouse of willpower, battling nagging hunger is bound to be unpleasant.

Luckily, you don’t have to. Calorie restriction and hunger are not intertwined. Research reveals ways to keep hunger at bay in a calorie deficit.

Eat slowly to elevate fullness and curtail snacking



Sudiksha Dhoot
Transformative Tonic

I love stories—in prose, films, & TV. In search of my ikigai & chic blue-light glasses. Can’t get enough of: ramen