New Project — Underway

Transformed by Grace
Transformed By Grace
4 min readSep 7, 2016

So, lately I haven’t been posting up cause I got caught up with the world. To give you the latest update I am now single (but not ready to mingle, haha! At this point I’ll save myself until marriage, let’s just say I kissed dating goodbye!) which means plenty of time to focus on God rather than any other else. I’m taking this positively as I can, we should be in control of our minds, so #PositivityIsTheKey!

With that, I’ve decided to make “a new project” I want to call PROJECT: STANDARD (P:S) — what will P:S contain? I’m so happy you asked. :) P:S will contain a list of all the standard (I've personally made) a guy must meet in order to potentially be your lifetime partner. It can be used as a checklist to anyone who is courting you. It may be used to see if you can say “YES” or save yourself and say “NO”. Some of this might not be in your list and that’s ok, or some might not in be on the list, you may add on it. :)

I’m doing this to help spread the message not only to the women but to the men as well. To save each and everyone of us the heartbreaks. I’m not saying this will be the perfect tool to measure someone’s heart — NEVER! I’m just saying we could at least use our brains when our hearts says otherwise. Of course, only God can help you with the decision you are making. I’m just here to make you realize something you might missed out.

I am excited to take this journey with you. I have listed 34 Standards A Woman Must Look For A Man [see update below], and I think It’ll continue to increase more in time.

My dear precious girls, I want you not to lower any of your standards just because someone sweep your feet away today. Believe me, if he did not pass even 90% of those he’ll eventually leave you hanging and crying (take it from my experience).

And for my dearest best buds (guys), I hope you will keep up with the standards. These girls are worth it, you don’t know their capabilities in love. I pray that this will help you to reflect on who you really are and learn the values that are important.

Let’s embark on this journey altogether. I pray to God that He will help me write with love so that I can share with you the message. I pray to God to touch your lives and save you from making the mistakes thus the heartbreaks.

Thanks :)

Project: Standard [P:S]

Standard#1: God fearing — must be a Christian.
Standard#2: Must Value Your Purity Above All Else
Standard#3: Must be Accepted by the Whole Family
Standard#4: Not a Gamer
Standard#5: Consistent in Action, Not Missing in Action
Standard#6: Good Working Etiquette
Standard#7: Loyal, Honest and Trustworthy
Standard#8: Mature in Nature
Standard#9: Must Experience Difficulty Pursuing You
Standard#10: Understanding and Patient

Update as of 20/09/2016: I lost my list of initially 34 standards. So I needed to create a new one. Huhu. This is sad, but I know it has a purpose, maybe God wants me to pray for the list first before posting them. ☺

Update as of 25/09/2016: I shared my list to a friend of mine and told me that my list was generic, and can be used for both men and women (he is a guy). So to make it personal I’ve created additional 10 (maybe more or less, this depends on a standard God tells me to list). The twist is, I will not write it here — Only I and God will know about it. These standard ranges from simple traits but if joined together and most especially prayed for, will help me know who God is preparing for me (only God can tell who, hihi!). I’m excited about it! You can do it as well. Personalize it in any way you want. Pray first before listing down the standards, ok? (Matthew 6:33)

Let us all (ladies and gentlemen) pray to God about these Standards, and for us not lower them. Wait on God, His timing is ever so perfect. Have a blessed Sunday night!

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