The Gospel of Mark

Experiencing Jesus Like Never Before

An Introduction to the Gospel of Mark

Transformed Faith
Published in
9 min readJul 5, 2023


Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

I will never forget the time that Jesus sat across from me at a table. For months, I had been inviting him into my life for a cup of coffee in the morning.

Sometimes, I would experience him. His presence would fill a room in what can only be described as a supernatural way. But this time was different.

I was sitting on the floor of a lake house in northern Idaho. Tears were streaming down my face. As a grown man, in front of half a dozen other people, I had just experienced Jesus in an entirely new way.

It was as if the decade of my faith had come to a new level. Jesus invited me to the table and I sat down with him. I felt fully known and fully loved in a way that changed everything.

Sure, I had experienced Jesus in some ways before. Whether from reading scripture or seeing his face in my mind during worship. There have been moments where I could just see him.

But this was entirely different because I was fully on the floor crying and fully present with Jesus at a table, in my grandparents basement. The smell of the room, the feel of the table, and the sound of his voice saying, “you are always welcome at my table.”



Transformed Faith

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: