What You Will Find in the Gospel of Matthew

Characteristics of the Gospel of Matthew

Transformed Faith


Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Most people have read the Gospel of Matthew.

It is a rich book of the Bible because it provides such deep insights into Jesus through the eyes of Matthew, a tax collector in the first century.

I love this book of the Bible because it helps me understand the attributes of the Kingdom of God.

However, today, I wanted to share a little bit about the Gospel of Matthew to help introduce you to this book of the Bible.


Now, we know the authorship of the Gospel of Matthew is attributed to the apostle Matthew, who was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

The Gospel was written between 70–100 AD and intended to be read by a Jewish audience.

Why does it start with a genealogy?

The Gospel of Matthew begins with the genealogy of Jesus, tracing his ancestry back to Abraham. This is significant because it establishes Jesus as a descendant of Abraham and, thus, a legitimate heir to the promises made to Abraham by God.

The genealogy also establishes Jesus as a descendant of David, which is significant because it fulfills the prophecy that the Messiah…



Transformed Faith

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: jrheimbigner.substack.com