
Winnie Chang
Transforming Mindsets
2 min readSep 15, 2015
Inner Landscape, 2012. Acrylic and collage on canvas. Inspired by the works of photographer Dan Mountford.

December 16, 2015

To my future self,

I predict that you are doing well. Not purely due to luck, but because of the choices that you made during the Changing Mindsets studio course. You didn’t know what to expect, and could never predict what you would learn. Before, as shameful or self-centred as it may sound, a big part of you had been concerned solely about getting that “A” in the course. Actually taking something valuable away from the studio was important, but worrying about keeping those scholarships of yours and making what the institution considered “satisfactory academic progress” had inadvertently pushed it to being second on the agenda.

So congratulations on taking charge and changing your mindset. You kept an open mind and succeeded in allowing yourself to be seen as vulnerable in front of your peers. In truth, you’re an introvert by nature and you feared that by showing what’s underneath your front of bravado, people would realize that there isn’t much else. That isn’t true. So you’re working on your fear of shame, of being disconnected, of being judged, on being uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations. This course has helped with that, and you’ve seen what a difference a positive, supportive learning environment can make in dissuading those fears so that we as a whole can focus on learning and bettering ourselves.

You have realized that you have the power to persevere. When faced with challenges and uncertainty, you are more resilient, hopeful, and curious than ever before. In widening your perspective, you have learned to approach your education with open arms. That’s why you deserve this “A.” Not because you need the validation to move forward, but because you’ve taken charge of your own learning and continue to exceed your own expectations.

Thanks for taking that first step forward. I can’t wait to find out what our future has in store.


Your past self

