Automated Issue Report Using Custom Template

Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2021

We’re excited to announce a new feature that allows Agile users to generate paginated issue report using a custom template. This is a new tool prioritised for one of our clients who is looking to prepare paper-based reports for authority submission and corporate compliance. Agile is definitely a digital platform that can keep all BIM issues and comments in one place. But sometimes you may need to populate issue information into a paper document that is designed to be printed and formatted to fit well on a page. The new custom report function can export selected issues to a bespoke report template created by you. By putting issue field placeholders in a Microsoft Word document, you can define where issue fields should be displayed on a page and how they should look like. Agile can automatically populate issue field values and generate a .docx file based on the template.

Export selected issues to paginated report using custom template

Below is the default report template provided by us. You can download it here directly or find it from the user guide. As you can see, there are a number of issue field placeholders inserted into a table with different text formats applied. You can tweak the default report template a bit to define printed issue fields, page layout, and other formatting options to suit your needs.

Custom issue report template in Microsoft Word format

A generated issue report would look like this. It can also include a markup image attached to an issue. A huge time saver, right?

Automatically generated custom issue report

Please see user guide below. You can find more instructions on how to prepare a custom report template. We understand it might not be easy to “customise” a report template initially. Feel free to email if you have any questions creating your own template.

We’re continuously developing new capabilities to enable your BIM-oriented, Cloud-powered, data-driven virtual design review. Take a look at our roadmap below.

We can prioritise development for your urgent need if there’s a business case. Email and let us know!

