Kick off 2021 with Augmented Reality!

Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2021

Navigate your BIM model in Augmented Reality with just a few clicks!

We’re super excited to introduce Reality — an interactive 3D visualisation tool that animates Digital Twin in real-world environment. Every BIM model hosted on Viewer can be displayed in Augmented Reality in minutes.

Check out this tutorial video to view, navigate, slice your BIM model in Augmented Reality now!

Or watch this short video for a quick walkthrough.

Successful Stakeholder Engagement Reality is a web-based, full-featured, easy-to-use Augmented Reality application that overlays BIM models into the physical world — as if they’re actually there with you, in your own space. It is the best stakeholder engagement tool that offers interactivity and intuitiveness for facilitating 3D model navigation and BIM design review.

Creating a project showcase has never been easier as Reality enables stakeholders to experience engineering design with just a mobile device. The tool is accessible to whoever has a Reality shared link. It is simple, intuitive, and does not require a lot of training. Project participants can make more effective decisions much faster. For example, you can print a QR code on a CAD drawing that links to a “Digital Twin” in Augmented Reality. It’s also a good idea to do a live demo in a tender interview to impress your clients.

Navigate your BIM model in real-world environment with just a mobile device.

We’ve got some FAQs below.

How do I view my own BIM model in Augmented Reality (AR)?

Please upload your BIM model to Viewer in the first instance. Then click the View in AR/VR button or simply paste your Model ID in Reality.

What mobile browsers are supported?

Please use Google Chrome on Android or WebXR Viewer on iOS.

Are there hardware/software requirements?

You need an ARCore or ARKit compatible device on Android or iOS respectively. See the full list here. Most mobile phones and tablets support AR already. An error message will be shown if your device is not AR ready. Please also update your operating system to the latest version and use a compatible mobile web browser.

What is the difference between Plane Mode and Floating Mode?

There two ways to anchor virtual 3D content in real-world environment. In the Plane Mode, you’ll firstly move around camera to detect a plane area, such as floor, table, etc. Then you can tap to place a BIM model on a plane found. This is used for environments in which you can physically move around. When it is hard to find a plane in surrounding environment, you can consider using the Floating Mode that simply places a BIM model in front of your camera. Spatial tracking might be lost if you move too far away from the initial position.

How come I can’t detect a plane?

The underlying principle of plane detection is computer vision. It doesn’t work well in a dark environment. Please also provide more context to your environment, such as placing some objects on a table, looking at floor tiles with pattern, etc.

Why my model fails to load? Reality is an experimental feature. Firstly, please make sure you use a compatible device and a supported browser. Mobile devices are generally not as powerful as desktop computers. You might consider using a high-performance mobile device, such as Apple iPad Pro.

Why is my model flickering?

Your model might become flickering intermittently when device memory usage is too high. Try to close other apps or restart your device.

Is it possible to view a large-sized model?

Probably not. It depends on how good your hardware is. You will see a warning if your model might be too large to display. Apple iPad Pro is generally recommended for viewing a large-sized model.

How is Reality different from Viewer? Reality can be seen as a plug-in for navigating BIM models hosted on Viewer in Augmented Reality.

Is Reality free to use? Reality is a companion tool to Viewer and therefore always free to use. All functionality will remain freely available until 30th June 2021. You will need a Viewer Pro subscription to upload a large-sized model after then.

Will Virtual Reality (VR) be supported?

Absolutely! We are developing VR functionality. Please contact us if you happen to have an Oculus Quest device and want to be an early adopter.

What kind of support is available for Reality?

Please feel free to submit feedback or suggestions to and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can. Reality User Interface

New Year, New Resolutions

It remains a really tough time for so many of our customers and we want to reassure you that we’re doing everything we can to support you in the challenges you face each day. To give users more flexibility in the new year, we are extending the current FREE offering for another six months. All functionality will remain freely available until 30th June 2021.

Please do not hesitate to log a ticket on’s support centre or email if you have any query. Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year!

