Unveiling bimU.io Agile — Ushering into a New Paradigm of Virtual Design Review

Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2021

A new era of BIM-oriented, Cloud-powered, data-driven virtual design review.

Again, hope you’re all staying healthy and well. We’ve finally finished all the platform testing with our industry partners. Phew! Today, we’re launching bimU.io Agile in an open beta — our new SaaS (Software as a Service) product that introduces a new way to keep your BIM review workflow well-organised, transparent, and fully-tracked.

Have you got a clear issue close-out strategy?

bimU.io Agile is a Cloud-based BIM issue tracking platform that aims to streamline the traditional design review process. Working in a team environment called Channel, BIM managers, drafters, designers, and engineers can work together to track down and close out design issues in BIM models. This gives project team better visibility to “who is responsible for what and by when”. With the cutting-edge Pluginless technology, users can instantly create markups and open saved viewpoints across multiple BIM environments to resolve issues iteratively for more effective multi-disciplinary coordination and communication.

Agile BIM Issue Tracker

BIM issues are captured within a centrally managed database and can be visualised on a Kanban board or in a task list.

Every team member can view issue details, comment on issues, and move issues forward. Issue fields are fully configurable to suit project requirements.

Data-driven BIM Platform

bimU.io Agile is built upon bimU.io’s fully functional, high-performance web viewer and BIM database that provides smooth user experience while navigating large-scale models.

“Pluginless” Integration

bimU.io Agile works with most of the prevailing BIM authoring tools. You can upload models and create issues from supported BIM software.

Subsequently, issues can be reviewed across multiple BIM environments without leaving bimU.io’s browser user interface.

Cloud-based Collaboration

Project issues and BIM models are stored in a secure Cloud environment and only accessible to authorised team members.

Gain Insight from Analytics

Necessary statistics and accountability measures are provided to ensure that issues are progressed and resolved in a satisfactory manner.

Project-based Pricing

Our project-based licencing model charges a flat rate per team environment rather than per-user. At the same price, you can add as many users as needed (including users in external organisations), upload unlimited BIM models, create unlimited issues, etc. Learn more.

You can now trial bimU.io Agile for FREE until December 2022. Click me to log in!

Quick Start Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide to walk you through some basic functionality on bimU.io Agile.

We’ve also got comprehensive documentation

and a YouTube playlist!

Always remember, we’re here to support you on your digital transformation journey!

Please do not hesitate to log a ticket on bimU.io’s support centre or email support@bimu.io if you have any query.

Once again, I’d like to thank you for your continued support. With the success of the vaccine roll-out and the arrival of summer, I hope we’ll all be returning soon to the lives we love. I wish you and your family well.

