The Amazon of Smart Contracts

An ecosystem built from the ground up to facilitate and increase blockchain adoption across every sphere of industry and life.

Transient Network
2 min readAug 10, 2021


The world today is at an inflection point.

Our societies, lifestyle and the things we have known to date may never be the same.

The same can be said for the blockchain and the endless possibilities the ever-growing ecosystem represents — the pace of which its technology is emerging and being innovated upon is not only exciting but poses its own inflection point to those who still fail to recognise it’s true worth — the drum is beating and is only going to get louder.

Our team have been at the coal-face of both the crypto landscape and enterprise industries for decades and all came to the same conclusion — there has been a way to break down the barrier to adoption and create accessible for all, regardless if you’re a sole trader, running an NFT marketplace or a commercial enterprise — this is how Transient was born.

Transient is a decentralised ecosystem built from the ground up to facilitate and increase blockchain adoption across every sphere of industry and life — hosting and enabling the instantaneous creation and distribution of a wide range of self enforcing and self executing Smart Contracts — Transient is your key conduit between on-chain, off-chain and multi-chain interactions.

On top of our rock-solid foundation, Transient’s design-led intuitive web portal, allows a ‘choose your own adventure’ style of Smart Contract management and execution — removing human intervention and the need to understand complex programming languages — if your team is geared up with Solidity devs then just like you’d expect we cater for that too.

As the team continues to ideate and bring high-value use cases incrementally and frequently into the real-world, they will be delivered in the form of additional Dapps to service specific industries and use cases, allowing us to truly create The Amazon of Smart Contracts.

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