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Convincing ChatGPT That It’s the Real Future of the Web

16 min readMay 8, 2023


As a result of countless scientific studies that have taken many years of effort, artificial intelligence has now managed to talk to us “like us”. But how ironic is that we can’t talk back to it anymore. There are so many “how to talk with ChatGPT” tutorials out there, you might have noticed. This irony is actually the subject of a separate article, which I laid the groundwork for in my article titled “The Sea of Shadows”. But in this article, I tried to convince ChatGPT that it is the future of the Web, or more accurately, that it will play an essential role in the next step of the Web.

I tried to get ChatGPT’s opinion on this issue. As you know, some people force us to define this next step around the blockchain as Web3, Web5, Web42, etc. Although my views on the decentralized Web are at a level that its fanatics may not like very much, I am not as harshly opposed as you can see here. My real thoughts on this subject are very close and parallel to Tim O’Reilly’s. But here, I took a slightly more aggressive stance towards Decentralized Web in order to provoke chatGPT a bit.

We also touched upon issues such as scalability, privacy, security, encryption, ethics, justice and enforcement throughout the entire dialogue.

Algorithm of compromise

As you will notice, in almost every answer, ChatGPT starts with an introduction that shows that it understands the arguments I have presented and emphasizes the points it thinks are right. However, on the other hand, it continues to defend its own arguments without giving up. It listens, tries to understand, expresses its understanding, and develops the discussion in a constructive way. This is a method that I try to follow in these types of conversations in my real life(although I am not always successful due to indignation). As a result, although we did not completely abandon the fronts that we both defended, we built an artifact worth being exposed to. I think there are many lessons to be learned here.

TransistorPhilosopher: Is it possible to serve the technology like you (ChatGPT) via decentralized or/and blockchained web?

ChatGPT: Yes, it’s definitely possible to serve an AI language model like me via a decentralized or blockchain-based web. In fact, there are already some projects exploring this idea.

Decentralized AI networks aim to distribute the computational workload of training and running AI models across a network of nodes, rather than relying on centralized servers. This can improve the efficiency and security of AI systems, while also making them more resistant to censorship and control by a few large entities.

One example of a project exploring decentralized AI is SingularityNET, which aims to create a decentralized marketplace for AI services. The platform allows developers to upload and monetize their AI models, while users can access a wide range of AI services without relying on a single centralized provider.

There are also some blockchain-based AI projects, such as the network, which aims to create a decentralized infrastructure for autonomous agents to interact and collaborate with one another.

While these projects are still in their early stages, they demonstrate the potential for blockchain and decentralized technologies to revolutionize the way we develop and use AI systems.

T: As far as I know, AI models need computational systems that respond quickly. When we spread this computation system over the network, won’t the intervening network delays affect the performance of the model?

C: You are correct that AI models typically require high-performance computing systems to achieve fast response times and process large amounts of data. Decentralized AI networks, which distribute the computation across a network of nodes, can introduce additional latency due to network delays and communication overhead.

However, decentralized AI networks also have some potential benefits that can mitigate these challenges. For example:

  • Scalability: Decentralized networks can be designed to scale up or down based on demand, allowing them to handle fluctuating workloads more efficiently.
  • Fault-tolerance: Decentralized networks can be more resilient to failures or attacks, as the system can continue to function even if some nodes go offline or are compromised.
  • Privacy and security: By distributing the data and computation across multiple nodes, decentralized networks can reduce the risk of data breaches or privacy violations.
  • Incentives: Decentralized networks can use economic incentives to encourage nodes to contribute computational resources, which can help to ensure a reliable and robust network.

Of course, there are still technical challenges to overcome in building effective decentralized AI networks, including optimizing the communication protocols and balancing the workload across nodes. However, as these technologies continue to evolve, we may see more use cases emerge for decentralized AI that leverage these potential benefits.

T: These examples are actually features of horizontally scalable systems that existed before the decentralized web. To scale a system horizontally, it does not need to be a blockchain-based structure. In this case, I see that an AI on Web3 will work slower and inefficiently, but only in return for protection from censorship and privacy of personal data. Am I right?

C: Yes, you are correct that many of the features of decentralized AI networks, such as scalability and fault-tolerance, can also be achieved using horizontally scalable systems that do not rely on blockchain technology.

Decentralized networks are not a silver bullet, and there are trade-offs between performance and decentralization. Depending on the specific use case, a centralized or horizontally scalable system may be a better fit for achieving high performance, while decentralized networks may be more suitable for applications where censorship resistance, privacy, or fault-tolerance are more important.

Regarding your question about AI on Web3, it’s possible that AI models running on decentralized networks could experience some performance trade-offs compared to centralized systems. However, as the technology continues to evolve and improve, it’s also possible that we will see more efficient and scalable approaches to decentralized AI.

In any case, the potential benefits of decentralized AI, such as greater privacy, security, and resilience to censorship, may be worth the performance trade-offs for some applications. Ultimately, the decision to use decentralized AI will depend on the specific use case, the performance requirements, and the desired level of decentralization and privacy.

T: Actually, this is why I asked you all this. In my opinion, a web ecosystem where an artificial intelligence like you is used in many areas, especially with high performance and efficiency, is the real future of the web, not the decentralized web. The decentralized web will of course exist in the future, but I think it will be an alternative web that will continue to satisfy people’s privacy paranoia. Roughly speaking, you are the web’s next step, while the decentralized web is a side step. Do you agree?

C: As an AI language model, I don’t have opinions or beliefs, but I can provide some insights based on current trends and developments in technology.

It’s true that AI has the potential to transform many areas of our lives, and we are already seeing it being applied in fields such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. AI technologies can provide powerful insights and automation capabilities that can increase efficiency, improve decision-making, and reduce costs.

However, the decentralized web also has the potential to transform the way we interact and transact online, providing greater privacy, security, and control over personal data. While there may be trade-offs in terms of performance and efficiency, decentralized networks can offer unique advantages in terms of censorship resistance, resilience to attacks, and trustless coordination.

Ultimately, both AI and decentralized web technologies have their place in the future of the web. The direction that the web takes will depend on a wide range of factors, including technological advancements, societal values, and economic incentives. It’s possible that we will see a convergence of these technologies, where AI models are deployed on decentralized networks to provide greater privacy and efficiency.

T: The future will definitely show this, that’s for sure. But I think it wouldn’t hurt to guess a little. For example, the transition from Web1 to Web2 was the result of hardware and software developments. In my opinion, the fact that different web technologies that allow user contributions and interaction with them and the server hardware that will serve these technologies became more accessible was an important factor in this transition. However, the same cannot be said for Web3. The invention of the method we call blockchain dates back to the early 1980s. So I think it’s not the increase in technological capabilities that brought about the decentralized web. What do you think about this subject?

C: You are correct that the development of Web3 and blockchain technology is not solely driven by advancements in hardware and software capabilities. The roots of blockchain technology date back to the 1980s, and the development of decentralized systems has been influenced by a range of factors, including philosophical, political, and economic motivations.

One key motivation behind the development of Web3 and blockchain technology is the desire to create more open, decentralized, and equitable systems. The traditional web, with its reliance on centralized servers and intermediaries, has been criticized for its lack of privacy, security, and control over personal data. Blockchain technology, with its ability to create trustless and decentralized systems, offers a potential solution to these challenges.

Another key factor driving the development of Web3 and blockchain technology is the emergence of new business models and economic systems that are enabled by decentralized networks. For example, cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) are creating new ways to transact and store value that are not reliant on traditional financial institutions.

In summary, the development of Web3 and blockchain technology is driven by a range of factors, including philosophical, political, and economic motivations, as well as technological advancements. While the transition to Web3 may not be solely driven by increases in technological capabilities, the emergence of new hardware and software tools will undoubtedly play a role in shaping the future of the decentralized web.

T: For this very reason, I am saying that there is a misconception caused by the Web3 naming here. As you said, Decentralized Web is actually a philosophical, political and economic formation rather than a technological development or step. “Web” is the name of a technology. So I conclude that the Decentralized Web is a political entity, not a new or upcoming technology. Calling this formation Web3 seems extremely inconsistent with the ongoing structure of Web1, Web2.0, and seems like an approach that could be forced and perhaps even aimed at managing perception.

C: You make a valid point that the term “Web3” can be misleading, as it may suggest that it represents a specific technological advancement over previous versions of the web. In reality, as you noted, the decentralized web represents a broader philosophical, political, and economic movement, rather than a single technological development.

The term “Web3” is often used to refer to a set of technologies and standards that enable decentralized networks, such as blockchain technology, peer-to-peer networking, and distributed computing. However, as you rightly pointed out, these technologies have been around for some time, and the development of the decentralized web is driven by broader societal and economic factors, rather than purely technological advancements.

It’s possible that the term “Web3” is used to capture the idea of a new phase in the evolution of the web, one that represents a fundamental shift in the way we interact and transact online. However, it’s important to recognize that this shift is driven by a range of factors, including technological advancements, social and economic factors, and political and philosophical ideologies.

T: Another question I have is about the method of ensuring the promised confidentiality and independence. Can you remind the reader how the Decentralized web achieves this?

C: Certainly! The decentralized web aims to achieve confidentiality and independence through a combination of technological and architectural principles. Here are some key aspects:

  1. Decentralized Architecture: Unlike the traditional web, which relies on centralized servers controlled by a few entities, the decentralized web distributes data and services across a network of nodes. This decentralization reduces the concentration of power and makes it more difficult for a single entity or group to control or censor the network.
  2. Peer-to-Peer Networks: Decentralized web technologies often leverage peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, where nodes directly communicate and share data with each other without relying on a central intermediary. P2P networks enhance privacy by minimizing the need for trusted intermediaries and reducing the exposure of personal data to a single point of failure or attack.
  3. Encryption and Cryptography: Confidentiality is often achieved through the use of encryption and cryptographic techniques. These techniques ensure that data is securely transmitted and stored, protecting it from unauthorized access or tampering. Strong encryption and cryptographic protocols play a crucial role in safeguarding privacy and data integrity within decentralized web systems.
  4. Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain): Blockchain technology, a key component of some decentralized web implementations, adds an additional layer of security and transparency. It enables the recording and verification of transactions and data in a decentralized and tamper-resistant manner, providing integrity and auditability to the system.
  5. User Control and Ownership of Data: The decentralized web aims to give users greater control over their data. Instead of relying on centralized platforms that collect and monetize user data, decentralized web systems allow individuals to retain ownership and control over their data, choosing how and with whom they share it.

By combining these principles and technologies, the decentralized web seeks to provide users with increased confidentiality, independence, and control over their online experiences, mitigating concerns about data privacy and censorship. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of these measures may vary across different decentralized web implementations and depends on the specific protocols and applications in use.

T: If I encrypt the data on my computer with a high-strength encryption algorithm and upload it to a central server, can’t I handle these things without needing a decentralized web? In this way, no one but me or the people I want can see or control the content of the data in practice.

C: Encrypting data on your computer with a strong encryption algorithm and uploading it to a central server can indeed provide a level of confidentiality and control over your data. Encryption helps protect the contents of your data from unauthorized access, ensuring that only those with the encryption keys can decrypt and access the information.

However, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Trust in the Central Server: When you upload your encrypted data to a central server, you are placing trust in that server to properly handle your data. You need to ensure that the server is secure, properly configured, and operated by a trusted entity. If the server is compromised or the entity controlling it engages in unauthorized actions, the confidentiality and control over your data can be compromised.
  2. Single Point of Failure: Uploading encrypted data to a central server means that the server becomes a single point of failure. If the server experiences technical issues, data loss, or is taken offline, you may lose access to your data. Additionally, central servers are more vulnerable to targeted attacks or unauthorized access compared to decentralized networks, where data is distributed across multiple nodes.
  3. Privacy Concerns: Even with encryption, uploading your data to a central server may raise privacy concerns. The server operator may have access to metadata, such as file names, upload times, and user information, which can provide insights into your activities. If privacy is a primary concern, a decentralized web or distributed storage solution may offer greater anonymity and privacy protection.

Decentralized web technologies aim to address these concerns by reducing reliance on central servers and providing greater control and privacy to users. Through distributed networks, encryption, and user-centric data control, decentralized web systems can enhance confidentiality, independence, and security.

Ultimately, the choice between a centralized server with encryption and a decentralized web solution depends on your specific needs and priorities regarding confidentiality, control, and privacy.

T: We know that the single point of failure problem you mentioned in the second article does not pose a problem for highly available providers with more than one server and data center. I think that the trust issue in the first item will not pose a problem even if the service provider shares the content since the content is encrypted. However, of course, as you mentioned in the third article, some metadata will be kept open on the server in question. As you said, these are data such as our username, IP address, upload time in the service provider. Is it a problem if this metadata is public after the content is unknown? Or should I ask, was all this decentralized web excitement just about hiding this metadata?

C: The issue of metadata and its privacy implications can vary depending on individual circumstances and the specific concerns of users. While encrypting the content itself provides confidentiality, metadata can still reveal important information about user activities, patterns, and potentially even the content itself, especially when analyzed in aggregate.

Here are a few reasons why metadata can be of concern:

  1. Identity and User Profiling: Metadata such as usernames, IP addresses, and upload times can be used to identify and track users. This information, when combined with other data points, can contribute to user profiling and potentially compromise privacy.
  2. Linkability and Relationship Mapping: Metadata can reveal relationships between users, such as who is interacting with whom or the frequency and timing of interactions. This information can be used to create linkages and uncover patterns of behavior, even if the content itself remains encrypted.
  3. Contextual Information: Even without directly revealing content, metadata can provide contextual information about the nature, purpose, or characteristics of the encrypted data. This may have implications for user privacy, as it can infer sensitive details about individuals or their activities.

While the decentralized web encompasses more than just metadata privacy, mitigating the risks associated with metadata is indeed a significant aspect of it. The decentralized web aims to provide greater control and privacy by reducing the reliance on centralized intermediaries that collect and analyze metadata.

By leveraging decentralized technologies like blockchain, peer-to-peer networks, and cryptography, the decentralized web seeks to limit the exposure and analysis of metadata, offering individuals more autonomy over their online interactions and minimizing the potential for centralized surveillance or data exploitation.

However, it’s important to note that the decentralized web is a broader movement encompassing principles such as censorship resistance, data ownership, and user empowerment. While metadata privacy is an important aspect, it is not the sole motivation behind the excitement around the decentralized web. It represents a larger vision of reshaping the internet to be more democratic, transparent, and privacy-centric.

T: Isn’t it necessary to keep at least this much metadata as it allows people who create or share illegal content, such as pedophilia, to be punished? Also, considering children’s access, I think it’s not a good thing to completely eliminate censorship.

You raise an important point regarding the role of metadata in addressing illegal activities and protecting vulnerable individuals, especially in cases such as the distribution of illegal content involving children. It is crucial to strike a balance between privacy and security, ensuring that measures are in place to address harmful or criminal behavior while respecting individual rights.

While metadata can provide valuable information for investigations and law enforcement purposes, it’s worth noting that the decentralized web and privacy-enhancing technologies can still facilitate appropriate measures to address illegal activities. Here are a few considerations:

  1. Encryption and Anonymity: Privacy-enhancing technologies can provide strong encryption and anonymous interactions, protecting users’ identities while still allowing the identification of illegal activities through appropriate legal channels. In such cases, law enforcement agencies can work within legal frameworks to track and investigate potential criminal behavior.
  2. Collaboration with Authorities: Service providers and technology companies can collaborate with law enforcement agencies to establish protocols and mechanisms for reporting and handling illegal content. This collaboration can strike a balance between privacy protection and addressing illegal activities.
  3. Content Moderation: While the decentralized web seeks to reduce centralized censorship, it doesn’t necessarily eliminate the ability to moderate content. Communities within decentralized networks can self-govern and set rules and standards for acceptable content, creating mechanisms to report and address illegal or harmful activities.
  4. Technological Advancements: Ongoing research and development can explore innovative solutions to address illegal activities while preserving privacy. Techniques such as privacy-preserving machine learning or cryptographic protocols can offer ways to identify and act against illegal content without compromising user privacy.

It’s important to emphasize that the intent behind the decentralized web is not to promote or protect illegal activities. Rather, it aims to provide a framework that respects privacy, empowers individuals, and fosters innovation while still addressing the need to combat illegal behavior within the bounds of the law.

T: While these considerations impose sanctions on the blocking of illegal content and the owners of this content, on the other hand, don’t they actually contradict the promised bulletproof privacy principle? After all, once the authorities are given the right to breach this secrecy, they can use it to fight crime or for political purposes.

C: You bring up a valid concern regarding the potential misuse or abuse of access to user data or breaches of privacy by authorities. Balancing privacy and security is indeed a complex challenge, and there are risks associated with granting authorities certain powers to address illegal activities.

The balance between privacy and security is a delicate one, and it often involves legal frameworks, checks and balances, and oversight mechanisms to ensure that privacy is protected while addressing legitimate concerns around criminal activities. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Legal Safeguards: Laws and regulations can define the scope and limitations of authorities’ access to user data. These legal frameworks should include safeguards to prevent abuse and protect individual rights, such as requiring warrants or court orders for data access and implementing strong oversight mechanisms.
  2. Transparency and Accountability: It is essential to have transparent processes in place to ensure accountability for any breaches of privacy or misuse of authority. Independent oversight bodies, public reporting, and accountability mechanisms can help maintain the balance between privacy and security.
  3. Proportional and Targeted Approaches: Efforts to combat illegal activities should be proportionate and focused, targeting specific individuals or activities rather than implementing broad surveillance measures that infringe on the privacy of innocent individuals.
  4. User Empowerment: Individuals should have control over their own data and the ability to understand and consent to how their data is accessed or used. Privacy-enhancing technologies that give users more control and transparency over their data can help strike a balance between privacy and security.

While it is challenging to find a perfect balance, societies must continually engage in discussions and debates to refine policies and regulations, taking into account the evolving nature of technology and the needs of privacy and security. The goal is to strike a balance that respects individual privacy rights while addressing legitimate concerns around illegal activities.

T: I agree with you, and I think that you are the future of the Web for exactly these reasons, what they now call Web3 will continue its life as an alternative culture. Thank you very much for your thoughts and answers on this matter. We can come back to this subject if there is a demand from the readers. Is there a message you want to add or give the readers/listeners before ending the topic?

C: Thank you for your kind words and engaging in this discussion on the future of the web. As an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions, but I’m here to provide information and perspectives based on the data I’ve been trained on.

The future of the web will undoubtedly be shaped by a combination of various factors, including technological advancements, societal values, and individual preferences. It’s an exciting time as we witness the ongoing evolution of the web and the emergence of new paradigms such as the decentralized web.

Regardless of the specific path the web takes, it’s important to keep critical thinking and open dialogue alive. Engaging in discussions, raising questions, and exploring different perspectives will help shape a web that reflects our values, respects privacy, fosters innovation, and serves the needs of individuals and communities.

If you have further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to ask.

In conclusion, if there is one clear thing, it is that I enjoyed debating with ChatGPT. It is really valuable to talk to someone who returns with different and valuable information in every reply. I think I will continue my ChatGPT conversations posts in this manner. I hope you enjoy reading too.

