I Watched 98 Movies Starring Trans, Non-Binary, And Intersex People

May all who are gender funky or otherwise genderqueer please accept these free tickets to today’s marathon

Stephenie Magister ✨
Queer History with Step-Hen-ie



1. Two 4 One

Two 4 One (Telefilm Canada, National Screen Institute, the BC Arts Council)

The film stars Gavin Crawford as Adam, a trans man who agrees to have a one-night stand with his ex-girlfriend Miriam, during which he uses a mail order at-home pregnancy kit to artificially inseminate her with donated sperm. However, an accident during the encounter leaves both Adam and Miriam pregnant, forcing Adam, who has not yet completed the surgical phase of his gender transition, to confront the ways in which the pregnancy will influence his sense of gender identity. (Wikipedia description)

Stream: Two 4 One

Review: Two 4 One and the accidental pregnancy (Xtra Magazine)

2. Romeos

Romeos (PRO-FUN media Filmverleih, Strand Releasing)

The film is a drama and tragicomedy which



Stephenie Magister ✨
Queer History with Step-Hen-ie

| 40 Under 40 Nominee | Queer History with Step-Hen-ie | Former editor for award-winning and best-selling authors | https://linktr.ee/StephenieMagister