Thomas Beatie: From Pregnant Man To Trans Activist

What a man getting pregnant means to a woman who can’t

Stephenie Magister ✨
Queer History with Step-Hen-ie


Graphic by author, elements from selfie, The Pregnant Man (September Films), and his 2022 update (WLBT3), and background photo from a photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

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Y’all know men can get pregnant, right?

We’ve come a hell of a long way since 2008

The Pregnant Man (September Films)

In 2008, Thomas Beatie became an international sensation as a trans man pregnant with their first child. They weren’t the first man to give birth, but suddenly, they were the most famous.

In the months leading up to the birth of their first child, Beatie wrote a heartbreaking essay for The Advocate, saying:

“Doctors have discriminated against us, turning us away due to their religious beliefs. Health care professionals have refused to call me by a male pronoun or recognize Nancy as my wife. Receptionists have laughed at us. Friends and family have been unsupportive; most of Nancy’s family…



Stephenie Magister ✨
Queer History with Step-Hen-ie

| 40 Under 40 Nominee | Queer History with Step-Hen-ie | Former editor for award-winning and best-selling authors |