© 2013 ALexander Kluge, @naii http://illuminate.naii.de/

4 Days Work. 3 Days Free.

Why “The Illuminate” introduces a new balance model which can change your work and life.

naii.io - Alexander Kluge
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2013


Since 2008 I work in an environment which allows me to work from wherever I am and whenever I want. Well, “whenever” is restricted to certain conditions, but that’s a matter of which project I deal with.

4 work days + 3 free days

With that back-story in mind I’m suggesting a week-split of 4 days of work and 3 days for your free-time. With my latest, little storytelling side-project “The Illuminate” I’m enforcing this approach as only on Tuesdays till Fridays 16 stories are delivered to your email inbox.

This means you would work 40 hours as usual but on 4 days. In my perspective staying 10 hours instead of 8 hours a day in the office doesn’t make much of a difference. And if you get one day off, it’s worth the effort in, my humble opinion.

FYI: For part-time workers this works as well. 30 hours-workers would work 3 days, 20 hours-workers would work 2 days. As an additional idea, the +1 day free could be used for facing democratic issues, e.g. being a democratic citizen and act like that — however you please.

Why do I suggest that?

I know this suggestion is made from a perspective of an outsider who currently is not employed at someone’s company. This should be seen as a positive thing rather than “What does this guy wanna tell us? He’s not even working like us employees!”.

My point is that I care about “9-to-5 people” and wanna provide a daily dose of entertaining, informative, and (in the broadest sense) also enlightening stories for your mornings — commuting between home and your workplace. And I know this daily commuting can be painful.

The illumination starts on Tuesday Nov 5, 2013

Part of my suggestion is to start the “illuminated” week on Tuesdays and end on Fridays. This way you avoid the Mondays everyone is anxious of, and you still enjoy the Friday “celebration” mood.

So, get used to a story a day, but not on a Monday. And prepare that I’ll only deliver those 16 stories in November — as a test-phase. Depending on the feedback I’ll continue. Well, I will continue anyway, probably.

Sign up today!

Sign up at http://illuminate.naii.de/ — and see yourself. The topic of the November issue № 1 is: How to solve problems.

The stories are only delivered once. There are more things to come, but yet there are too many variables with no value, i.e. a lot of open ideas and some conversations which need to be led.

*cu illuminated in the future!

