Robots are taking over oil rigs, deep learning is building software & more

Transmission #12

Oliver Cameron
3 min readJan 24, 2017


🤖 Robots Are Taking Over Oil Rigs

“To me, it’s not just about automating the rig, it’s about automating everything upstream of the rig,” says Ahmed Hashmi, head of upstream technology for BP Plc.”

🛠 Deep Learning AI Listens to Machines For Signs of Trouble

Using deep learning to listen for early warning signs that a car might be nearing a breakdown. Neat!

💵 Applying Machine Learning to Reinvent Debt Collection

Great talk on reinventing debt collection for the ML age.

🤔 Massachusetts lawmakers want to tax self-driving cars by the mile

Some good and some bad in here.

💡 AI Software Learns to Make AI Software

“Jeff Dean, who leads the Google Brain research group, mused last week that some of the work of such workers could be supplanted by software. He described what he termed “automated machine learning” as one of the most promising research avenues his team was exploring.”

😬 Baidu’s face-enabled entrance

Andrew Ng demonstrates Baidu’s new office entrance!

📻 MIT’s New Radio Can Detect Your Emotions Using Wireless Signals

A team of researchers at MIT’s CSAIL have developed a device that can detect basic human emotions using wireless tech. Dubbed EQ-Radio, it analyzes small variations in heartbeat intervals to determine whether a person is happy, sad, excited, or angry.

👄 The Voder, the First Machine to Create Human Speech

History! “The Voder went one step further: it produced speech without the input of the human voice. Operators played it like a futuristic organ, but instead of creating music, it created talk.”

💥 What Product Breakthroughs Will Recent Advances in Deep Learning Enable?

Great answer from a Google Brain Researcher: “In no particular order, here are some product categories made possible with today’s deep learning techniques: customized data compression, compressive sensing, data-driven sensor calibration, offline AI, human-computer interaction, gaming, artistic assistants, unstructured data mining, voice synthesis.”

👩‍⚕️ The genomics intelligence revolution

I’m ridiculously excited about ML + genomics!

🚗 One Weird Thing Everyone Gets Wrong About Autonomous Cars

What do your phone and computer have in common with driverless cars?

📹 Lecture 1 of Introduction to Deep Learning & Self-Driving Cars

Love the concept of using audio to infer road conditions.

That’s it for this week, thanks for reading! If you have any thoughts or questions, I’d love to hear from you in Tweet-form. You can follow and message me at @olivercameron.

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Oliver Cameron

Obsessed with AI. Built self-driving cars at Cruise and Voyage. Board member at Skyways. Y Combinator alum. Angel investor in 50+ AI startups.