The Very Big List of User Experience, Customer Experience & Marketing Statistics

Lisa Harvey
Transmitter Studios
9 min readMay 5, 2019


At Transmitter Studios we often find ourselves advocating evidence-based decision making for everything from business ideas to growth strategies. Statistics play a big part in how we frame the value of research when working with clients.

We dug deep so that we could collect valuable and current statistics, and put them together in one place for everyone to benefit from. This list of insights is ever-growing and will be continually updated. We recommend you bookmark this article to keep as a handy reference and to revisit for the latest updates. Enjoy, some of these stats may surprise you!

🕒 Last Updated: May 5, 2019

User Experience (UX) Statistics

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What is User Experience?

User Experience (UX) is concerned with a user’s interactions with a product (website, app, software etc.) and their resulting experience and perceptions.


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  • “Leading companies are using design to drive efficiency, profit, and position. In fact, nearly three quarters of companies say they have improved customer satisfaction and usability through design.” — (Invision Design Maturity Report, 2019)
  • “Companies with high design maturity see cost savings, revenue gains, and brand and market position improvements as a result of their design efforts.” — (Invision Design Maturity Report, 2019)
  • “84% of respondents think that design-driven businesses are outperforming their competitors” — (Econsultancy & Adobe, 2018)
  • “Forrester Research suggests that a well-conceived, frictionless UX design could potentially raise customer conversion rates up to 400%.” — (Forrester, 2016)

UX: Research & Testing 🔗

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  • “76% of customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations.” — (Salesforce, 2018)
  • “Usability tests conducted with just five users reveal about 85% of all problems with a website, and 15 users discover nearly all problems.” — (Nielson Norman Group, 2000)
  • “Measured usability improves 22–38% per usability test iteration.” — (Nielson Norman Group, 2011)

UX: Content Strategy 🔗

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UX: Design 🔗

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  • “On average, visitors spend 80% of their time viewing the left half of the page and 20% viewing the right.” — (Nielson Norman Group, 2017)
  • “In 2010, 80% of the viewing time was spent above the fold. Today, that number is only 57% — likely a consequence of the pervasiveness of long pages” — (Nielsen Norman Group, 2018)


Call to Action

  • “Call to Action buttons perform better than CTA images.” — (Hubspot, 2018)
  • “Personalized Calls to Action with convert 202% better than default versions.” — (Hubspot, 2018)


UX: Mobile & Responsive 🔗

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  • “83% of mobile users say that a seamless experience across all devices is very important.” — (Impact, 2017)
  • “According to Google, 61% of users are unlikely to return to a site on mobile if they had trouble accessing it and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead.” — (Impact, 2017)
  • “60% of companies believed they were delivering a good mobile experience, however, only 22% of consumers felt the same.” — (Temkin Group, 2017)

UX: Speed & Performance 🔗

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  • “Encrypted HTTPS web pages often load faster than their non-encrypted HTTP counterparts (reports the same page loads 73% faster).” — (HTTP v HTTPS Test, n.d)
  • “Almost three-quarters of the shoppers surveyed claim they’ll wait 4 or more seconds before abandoning a page. But that’s not what Google says: remember, actual user behavior shows most people bounce after 3 seconds.” — (Unbounce, 2019)
  • “Nearly 70% of consumers admit that page speed influences their likeliness to buy.” — (Unbounce, 2019)
  • “Half of all people say they’d be willing to give up animation and video for faster load times.” — (Unbounce, 2019)
  • “Almost half of consumers say they’ll try to refresh a page at least once when it takes 3 seconds to load. But 22% say they’ll close the tab, and 14% say they’ll visit a competitor’s site.” — (Unbounce, 2019)
  • “85% of participants’ landing pages were slower than Google’s recommendation of 5 seconds or less at a 3G connection.” — (Unbounce, 2019)
  • “Users visit 8.9 pages on average when a page load time is 2 seconds, and only 3.7 pages on average when a page load time is 7 seconds.” — (Section, 2017)

Customer Experience (CX) Statistics

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What is Customer Experience?

Customer Experience (CX) is concerned with all the end-to-end interactions a customer has with your brand and their resulting experience and perceptions. It includes the experience across all channels and products within a brand — marketing, customer service, brand reputation, sales process, product user experience etc.


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  • “CX leaders are almost three times more likely than their peers to have exceeded their top 2018 business goal by a significant margin.” — (Adobe & Econsultancy, 2019)

CX: Trends 🔗

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  • “By 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the most important brand differentiator.” — (Super Office, 2019)
  • “Larger organizations regard the delivery of personalized experiences in real time (37%) as the most exciting prospect in three years’ time.” — (Adobe & Econsultancy, 2019)

CX: Trust & Credibility 🔗

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  • “86% of consumers read reviews for local businesses (including 95% of people aged 18–34).” — (Bright Local, 2018)
  • “Consumers read an average of 10 online reviews before feeling able to trust a local business.” — (Bright Local, 2018)
  • “40% of consumers only take into account reviews written within the past 2 weeks — up from 18% last year.” — (Bright Local, 2018)
  • “57% of consumers will only use a business if it has 4 or more stars.” — (Bright Local, 2018)
  • “80% of 18–34 year olds have written online reviews — compared to just 41% of consumers over 55.” — (Bright Local, 2018)
  • “91% of 18–34 year old consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.” — (Bright Local, 2018)
  • “89% of consumers read businesses’ responses to reviews.” — (Bright Local, 2018)
  • “88% of U.S. consumers say that how much they trust a company determines how much they’re willing to share personal information.” — (PwC, 2018)

CX: Loyalty & Retention 🔗

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  • “One in three consumers (32%) say they will walk away from a brand they love after just one bad experience.” — (PwC, 2018)

CX: Conversion 🔗

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  • “73% of all people point to customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions. Yet only 49% of U.S. consumers say companies provide a good customer experience today.” — (PwC, 2018)
  • “43% of all consumers would pay more for greater convenience; 42% would pay more for a friendly, welcoming experience. And, among U.S. customers, 65% find a positive experience with a brand to be more influential than great advertising.” — (PwC, 2018)

Digital Marketing Statistics

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What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is concerned with the researching, promoting and selling of products or services online. There are many different types of digital marketing, often used in combination.

Competitive Intelligence 🔗

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  • “Markets are more competitive than ever. Businesses reported an average of 25 competitors in their market. 87% shared that their market has become more competitive in the last three years, and 49% said it has become much more competitive. This trend is felt by all size companies.” — (Crayon, 2019)
  • “Benefits of a successful CI program are wide-reaching. 91% report they have seen quantitative benefits and 95% say they’ve seen qualitative benefits.” — (Crayon, 2019)
  • “96% of businesses agree that CI is critical to the success of their organization.” — (Crayon, 2019)

Content Marketing 🔗

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  • “90% of the most successful B2B content marketers prioritize their audience’s informational needs over their own sales/promotional message.” — (CMI & MarketingProfs, 2018)
  • “In 2018, 71% of B2B buyers said they consumed blog content during their buyer’s journey. That’s up from 66% in 2017.” — (Demand Gen, 2018)
  • “64% of B2B buyers noted they give more credence to peer reviews, user-generated feedback, and third-party publications and analysts over that of brands.” — (Demand Gen, 2018)
  • “64% of B2B buyers report they would like to see content organized by industry on company websites, followed by business role (52%), vertical (46%), size of organization (18%), or location/region (14%).” — (Demand Gen, 2018)
  • “52% of buyers strongly agree that if brands packaged relevant content together, it would help expedite the research phase.” — (Demand Gen, 2018)
  • “Roughly 84% of buyers said they either frequently or occasionally access business-related content on their smartphone.” — (Demand Gen, 2018)
  • “66% of B2B buyers strongly agree that companies should make it easier to access their content, by using fewer form fields, better mobile optimization, etc.” — (Demand Gen, 2018)
  • “In 2018, B2B marketers rate blog articles as the most effective content format in the awareness stage, white papers during consideration, and case studies during decision.” — (CMI & MarketingProfs, 2018)
  • “70% of marketers reported that content incorporating visuals assets performed better than those without.” — (Contently & Libris, 2019)
  • “80% report paid distribution as an effective way to attract a new audience, while 65% report it as an effective way to generate traffic when organic isn’t delivering.” — (CMI & MarketingProfs, 2018)
  • “49% of B2B buyers said they now rely more on content to research and make purchase decisions.” — (Demand Gen, 2018)
  • “The vast majority, almost 96%, of bloggers drive traffic through social media, with 64% through SEO and 58% through email marketing.” — (Orbitmedia, 2017)
  • “Per dollar spent, content marketing generates approximately 3 times as many leads as traditional marketing.” — (Demandmetric, 2016)

We’d Love To Help You

At Transmitter Studios we believe in finding opportunity for growth using human-centered design processes. We put people and relationships at the heart of everything we do. Success means knowing your market, your users, and your opportunities for generating revenue. We’d love to help.

Let’s Talk

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