April 2019 Update

Product Validation Continues

2 min readMay 10, 2019


Rounding out March with a strong presence at SXSW, the Transmute team was on the road a lot in April. We returned from Oracle Open World Singapore and the Internet Identity workshop in Mountain View with a full sales pipeline and product feedback. Notably, we uncovered tremendous demand for Transmute ID in the SMB market, so we’ve decided to shift to a subscription model with tiered offering in addition to our enterprise deployments.

Our first product-specific logo!

Upon deciding to pursue a SaaS model, we dedicated the majority of our development resources in April to completion of the freemium Transmute ID app for individuals.

This strategic change will accelerate user testing and bottom-up adoption.

We hit our target of redesigning and deploying the revised application, which allows users across industries to easily create accounts, upload files, and send those assets to another user for signatures. We significantly improved the user interface and language while also deepening the permissions and performance capabilities of our backend. You can read more about how our team manages and refines product ideas in Margo’s latest product development post.

Our commitment to shipping this application is validated by two of our competitors announcing investment this month (led by Okta and PayPal), after first launching publicly consumable versions of their product. This demonstration of deployed value [even if it will be significantly configured for enterprise use] appears to be a new baseline for customer trust in emergent technology.

Included in this release, the Transmute engineering team refactored our signature request flow to eliminate supply chain logistics specific terminology and to generalize our workflows. We also completed a number of UI and backend fixes relating to enhancing workflow functionality.

We released Element, the first working version of the blockchain-agnostic Sidetree Protocol for decentralized identifiers. Stay tuned as this work-in-progress continues to evolve. This work is in collaboration with Microsoft and the DIF.

Lastly, we implemented an enhanced from of ledger agnostic credential anchoring, which we are excited to continue developing in support of scalable verifiable credentials.




The trusted data exchange platform for global trade.