“Blockchain Solutions in Pandemics” Report Highlights Just-in-time Supply Chains

Margo Johnson
Published in
1 min readApr 14, 2020

The Blockchain Research Institute released an April 2020 report titled “Blockchain Solutions in Pandemics: A Call for Innovation and Transformation in Public Health.” The report is co-authored by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott. It can be accessed here: https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/blockchain-and-pandemics/

In addition to describing identity applications of emergent blockchain solutions, the report also discusses supply chain applications:

“Supply chains are critical infrastructure for our globally connected economy, and COVID-19 has put them under tremendous strain, exposing potential weaknesses in their design. We must build supply chains that are transparent, where information can be accessed quickly, and where participants can trust that information about goods are accurate.”

Transmute’s products bring together blockchain-based identity infrastructure with just-in-time supply chain applications to meet these demands. You can read more about our global trade solutions here: https://www.transmute.industries/global-trade-solutions

