Introducing ICC KTDDE: Embracing Modern Trade Standards with Transmute’s VDP

April 24th, 2024

Nis Jespersen
2 min readApr 16, 2024


Today marks a pivotal moment as Transmute proudly co-announces the release of the Key Trade Documents and Data Elements (KTDDE) initiative led by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Digital Standards Initiative (DSI). KTDDE represents a concerted effort to standardize essential trade documents and data elements, fostering a seamless digital trade ecosystem.

Transmute’s involvement in the KTDDE project underscores our commitment to driving innovation and facilitating trade digitization globally. As a proud collaborator in this transformative project, Transmute introduces its Verifiable Data Platform (VDP) as the leading solution for businesses seeking to embrace the newly published KTDDE standards.

Transmute is well known for our contribution to technology and international trade standards. We pride ourselves in always implementing the standards we are part of driving. Our Verifiable Data Platform offers a robust implementation of the KTDDE data models. Built on advanced verifiability technology, VDP empowers businesses to leverage the KTDDE data models effectively, enabling secure exchange and verification of trade documents. This implementation ensures authenticity, integrity, and trust throughout the trade process, aligning seamlessly with the objectives of the KTDDE initiative.

Mapping of sample KTDDE elements (left) implemented verifiably on Transmute’s Verifiable Data Platform (right).

We urge businesses embarking on their digitization journey to take proactive steps towards embracing the KTDDE standards by signing up for Transmute’s Verifiable Data Platform today. Right now we offer a free 6 months Pro plan by joining our Trade Council. Sign up today and join us in shaping the future of trade digitization.

For a more in-depth exploration of the implementation of KTDDE and application of modern technologies such as Verifiable Credentials, Decentralized Identifiers, and Linked Data, please see:

