Introducing Our New AI-Powered Drag-and-Drop PDF Feature for USMCA Certificates of Origin

Benjamin Collins
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2024
Convert an existing USMCA PDF into a Verifiable Credential

We are excited to announce a new functionality in our product that leverages the power of AI to streamline the process of digitizing USMCA Certificates of Origin. This latest update allows users to easily drag and drop existing PDF files of their certificates into our web application. Our advanced AI technology reads the PDF and converts it into a digital form that can be seamlessly completed online.

Why This Feature Matters

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) requires businesses to certify the origin of their products, which traditionally involves handling paper documents. This process can be time-consuming, error-prone, and cumbersome.

In the world of international trade, a large number of important documents, including USMCA Certificates of Origin, exist as PDFs or scans of paper documents. These files are often manually processed, which is not only inefficient but also prone to errors. Our new AI-powered drag-and-drop feature addresses these challenges by:

  • Simplifying the Workflow: No more manual entry or scanning. Just drag your existing PDF into our application.
  • Saving Time: The AI quickly reads and converts your PDF into a digital form, ready for completion.
  • Reducing Errors: Automated data extraction minimizes the risk of human error.
  • Enhancing Accessibility: Access your digital documents anytime, anywhere, from any device.

How It Works

Drag and Drop Existing USMCA files to convert them
  1. Drag and Drop: Simply drag your existing USMCA Certificate of Origin PDF into the designated area in our web application.
  2. AI Processing: Our advanced AI technology reads the PDF and extracts the necessary information.
  3. Digital Conversion: The extracted data is then populated into a digital form.
  4. Complete and Save: Review and complete the digital form, making any necessary adjustments, and save it securely within the application.

Benefits for Your Business

This new feature is designed to make the digitizing process as straightforward as possible, ensuring you can focus on what matters most — your business. Here are some key benefits:

  • Efficiency: Drastically reduce the time spent on document processing.
  • Accuracy: Ensure the information in your certificates is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Convenience: Access and complete your forms from anywhere, without the need for physical paperwork.
  • Compliance: Stay compliant with USMCA regulations with ease.

We believe this new functionality will greatly enhance your experience and efficiency in managing USMCA Certificates of Origin. Our team is committed to continuously improving our product to meet your needs and help your business thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Get Started Today

Ready to try out the new AI-powered drag-and-drop feature? Log in to your account and start digitizing your USMCA Certificates of Origin with just a few simple steps. For more information, visit our guide page.

Looking Ahead

We’re thrilled to introduce this feature for USMCA Certificates of Origin, but we’re not stopping there. Stay tuned as we roll out this powerful AI-driven functionality to support more document types, making it easier than ever to manage all your important paperwork digitally.

Thank you for choosing our product. We look forward to helping you streamline your document management processes and enhance your business operations.

