Working with Transmute

Margo Johnson
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2020

Designing a successful path to production

Transmute’s team conducting a systems mapping exercise.

Here at Transmute, we’re committed to building products that genuinely meet the needs of our customers. Our team works closely with companies through a phased approach to configure workflows and software implementations.

This strategy ensures we build real business value today, while also refining that value into turnkey software products that solve a shared problem. Additionally, this prevents us from making the common mistake of developing a solution in search of a problem.

Over the past few years our team has developed a flexible toolkit for collaboratively designing and testing ideas prior to shipping production software.

By investing time up front in things like workflow mapping, prototype iterations, and diverse stakeholder testing, we can build confidence that resulting production implementations will not only survive, but thrive and scale with our customers’ businesses. This approach combines technical expertise with the process of design thinking and the mindset of human-centered design.

Initial phases of customer engagement often include the following:

Digital Transformation Workshops

  • Expand identity, security, and privacy expertise while mapping immediate risk hot spots

Collaborative Solutions Design

  • Map specific opportunities for current processes to extend value and decrease risk through new approaches to digitization and data sharing

Proof-of-Concept Development

  • Configure workflow requirements based on solutions design into a testable application

Proof-of-Concept Testing

  • Gather feedback and develop insights about application utility through targeted user experience, user interface, and technical architecture interviews

Transmute’s distributed team is skilled at running both in-person and virtual sessions, making it possible to rapidly test ideas with stakeholders around the world.

When technical and business feasibility are demonstrated up front, we can move confidently into use by real consumers and companies. From that strong foundation we can also scale and adapt the application, repeating the same design and testing process whenever needed.

We want to hear what business challenges you are tackling today. Reach out to us at to set up an initial consultation and to meet our team.

