Yet another AI 🤯

Beyond code, Copilot understands shipping

Nis Jespersen
2 min readJun 21, 2024


I know, we all drowned in “OMG” posts last year as people shared their AI experiences. We’re beyond that now; we’re looking for use cases, value adding application and bundling.

Nonetheless, I can’t hide from the fact that I had one of those OMG experiences yesterday. I was designing a JSON Schema for a Mill Test Report (MTR)— a document used in the Steel industry to describe the type and quality of steel products. MTRs can contain a large number of tests, and I had modeled a few of them already.

As I got to Surface Condition tests, I typed “surface” — and look what Github Copilot suggested…

Stupid amount of code generated.

As my colleague stated, it generated “stupid amount of code” for me. Not rocket science, mainly repeating a pattern of the previous tests — but still a lot I didn’t have to type.

But then I moved to generating an example JSON instance. Now look…

Copiloting on both horizontal and vertical domains.

As the test standard for Microstructure Analysis, it suggests “ASTM E112–13”. That is indeed a standard for microstructure analysis! Copilot pulls industry vertical knowledge into my Visual Studio Code environment. The fact that it “copilots” on both horizontal (the technical coding domain) and vertical (industry domain) is just… Cool!

In all fairness, Copilot subsequently suggested “ASTM E112–13” again for Hydrostatic Tests, which (to my knowledge) does not define such test standards. I guess it got carried away a bit there. Human vigilance is still required. But that hardly takes away from the coolness of this AI experience.

You can find the resulting Mill Test Report schema and many more common, standardized shipping documents on

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Nis Jespersen
Solution Architect

