API SUDOP: verify which Polish company got public aid

Do you want to know if your Polish contractor has received public aid during the crisis? We present two new possibilities of verification of received funds: API SUDOP and new SUDOP module in well-known Data Integrator.

Transparent Data
Blog Transparent Data ENG
5 min readAug 17, 2021


API SUDOP — verify which Polish company got public aid

SUDOP — what is it and what you can find in this Polish register

The Public Aid Data Sharing System, i.e. SUDOP (in polish: System Udostępniania Danych o Pomocy Publicznej), allows you to check which Polish companies benefit from public aid. In SUDOP you can search for beneficiaries of specific aid measures by their NIP number (National Provider Identifier) or type of aid. This database is run by UOKiK — Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (in polish: Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów).

In SUDOP we can find information about:

  • aid measures that have been implemented in Poland — only those whose validity period didn’t end before 2016 (doesn’t apply to agriculture and fisheries sectors);
  • beneficiaries of funds;
  • all public and de minimis aids: training, investments, tax exemptions, one-off depreciation, preferential loans and credits, remitted of ZUS payments (Social Insurance Institution, in polish: Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) etc.

This means that in SUDOP we can check whether our client has been released from tax and they benefit from, for example, reimbursement of the salary of a young employee. The SUDOP database also contains information on subsidies received for research and development projects and innovations and other de minimis aids. Moreover, in this database we can check whether Polish company has benefited from financial support from the Anti-Crisis Shield (aid funds launched due to the COVID-19 crisis) and subsidized salaries of disabled employees.

API SUDOP — check Polish companies directly from your system

API, i.e. Application Programming Interface is a great way to quickly transfer data directly to your company’s internal system. Thanks to API, the company gives itself constant access to information from the original source (in this case from SUDOP database). You can read more about what API is HERE.

Thanks to Transparent Data’s API SUDOP you can easily and quickly verify Polish businesses and receive information about financial aid they have received — the only thing you have to do is enter contractor’s identification number (NIP). As a result, you get a comprehensive answer in JSON format, which includes:

  • detailed information on the type of aid received by the entity, including information on the legal basis of the subsidy granted;
  • number of aid measure;
  • nominal value of aid;
  • gross value of aid;
  • form and purpose of aid.

In SUDOP, all available information comes from the SHRIMP database, which is completed individually by aid providers. In Poland each entity granting a subsidy has 7 days to prepare a report from the date of granting aid measure. This means that sometimes you have to wait a few days for the data to appear in the SUDOP database. In this case, the SUDOP API can be an excellent alternative when the main database is temporarily unavailable due to technical breaks or when information retrieval is too slow. You can read more about API SUDOP here.

SUDOP module in Data Integrator — mass verification of Polish companies that received funds from the Anti-Crisis Shield

Manual search of SUDOP database would take at least 7.5 hours if it is necessary to verify a dozen entrepreneurs by their NIP number, assuming that 5 minutes is enough to verify one of the 90 entities. By using modern tools such as SUDOP module in Data Integrator platform, this time can be reduced to a second. All we need to do is upload a .csv file with a list of NIP numbers, and the system will automatically verify them, returning complete information directly from the source. Thanks to this module, verification of 15K entities takes up to 3 hours.

SUDOP module in Data Integrator — mass verification of Polish companies

Data Integrator is an economic information platform that gives credible insights on all companies registered in Poland. As an online data platform, it allows you to verify Polish companies in various public registers from one place, as well as download economic reports and financial statements.

What data is available in SUDOP? Examples of aids

In order to help Polish entrepreneurs affected by the Covid-19 pandemic the government launched several aid measures. Millions of Polish entrepreneurs have already benefited from them:

  • SA.56922(2020/N): Polish anti-crisis measures — COVID-19 — wage subsidies, tax and social security contributions relief and other measures — over 7.58M entities have benefited
  • SA.61825(2021/N): New support for industries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic — almost 276.44K entities have benefited
  • SA.60376(2020/N): Support for enterprises affected by restrictions in conducting business activities, taken in order to counteract COVID-19–226.20K entities have benefited
  • SA.56996(2020/N): Polish anti-crisis measures — COVID-19 — a financial shield for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises — over 354K entities have benefited
  • SA.62885(2021/N): New support for industries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (change of the SA.61825 program) — almost 64.19K entities have benefited

Polish companies that benefited the most from the Anti-Crisis Shield

The total value of support from the Anti-Crisis Shield is approximately PLN 212B (46B EUR) (about 10% of GDP). From this pot of money, financial aid can be obtained in several categories, but one of the most popular was cancellation of loans for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (SA.56996 (2020 / N)). About 354K entities benefited from this support.

From large Polish companies, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. could count on the largest loan — over PLN 31.86M (6.97M EUR). JSW KOKS, which belongs to the same company, received almost PLN 4.58M (1M EUR). 62 large Polish companies benefited from this support. 42 enterprises have opted for liquidity loans also for large companies (SA.57306 (2020 / N)) — Polska Grupa Górnicza S.A. could count on the highest loan of over PLN 200.50M (43.78M EUR).

In the third quarter of this year, applications for liquidity loans for Polish companies will be resumed. PLN 1.2B (262M EUR) will be allocated to these loans. They will be granted to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The sum of loans granted to one entity (one entrepreneur may receive more than one loan) may not exceed PLN 15M (3.28M EUR).

Who veirifies if the company has received subsidies and why?

Subsidies and other aids are primarily checked by banks and financial institutions during the process of verification of B2B contractors, e.g. before making a decision to grant them a loan. By checking subsidies at SUDOP, we can obtain reliable information about the real financial condition of the company (whether it had financial problems during the COVID-19 pandemic and received aid).

