Hackathon Datathon #OtwarteDane 2022 Poland — event overview

Datathon #OtwarteDane took place in Warsaw on April 2–3, 2022, during which participants created applications for refugees from Ukraine coming to Poland. We present an overview of the winning applications, which were assessed, among others, by Arkadiusz Hajduk, CEO of Transparent Data.

Transparent Data
Blog Transparent Data ENG
4 min readApr 4, 2022


Hackathon Datathon #OtwarteDane 2022 — event overview

Hackathon Datathon Otwarte Dane 2022 — aim of the competition, number of teams, awards and evaluation criteria

The goal of the hackathon Datathon #OtwarteDane 2022, which was organized by the Polish Chancellery of the Prime Minister at the Targowa Creativity Center in Warsaw, was to create an application that would help solve social problems in Poland and support refugees from Ukraine who come to Poland in search of a place to live, job or kindergarten for a child. 8 teams qualified for the competition. The teams had exactly 24 hours to create an application for refugees from Ukraine — coding started on Saturday, April 2 at 11:15.

The prize pool was 60K zloty (almost 13K EUR). The organizers planned two distinctions of PLN 6,615 for teams that use API for the polish CSO’s domain knowledge databases, and paid internships at NASK (in polish: Naukowa i Akademicka Sieć Komputerowa). The main prizes of PLN 15,570 were awarded in three categories. For the team that will use the API:

  • to the Trezor 3.0 database of the Polish Ministry of Finance
  • to the database of public registers in tourism of the polish Ministry of Sport and Tourism
  • to the domain knowledge bases of the polish Central Statistical Office (in Polish: Główny Urząd Statystyczny)

Criteria for assessing the application for refugees from Ukraine

  1. Adjusting to the needs of recipients — the application for refugees from Ukraine should meet the previously defined needs of its recipients.
  2. Ingenuity and uniqueness — the application should present solutions that have not been used before in other applications.
  3. Usability and design — the application should be easy to use and have an aesthetic design.
  4. Business / social potential — the jury also assessed whether the applications had a business model that would enable their continued maintenance.

In addition to the three winning applications and two distinctions, which we describe later in the article, inspiring presentations were presented during the hackathon by jurors and experts from Datathon Otwarte Dane. One of them was Arkadiusz Hajduk, CEO of Transparent Data, who drew the attention of the audience to what information migrants in Poland need and pointed out some examples of successful applications for refugees and migrants from abroad. Among them were applications that help in onboarding in a new country: Ankommen (Germany), Cyprus Guide (Cyprus) and Arrival Advisor (British Columbia).

Jury of hackathon Datathon Open Data 2022: from the leftJoanna Duszota, Anna Gos, Arek Hajduk, Maciej Wójtowicz, Piotr Dobrzyński, Ewa Czumaj.

The winners of the hackathon Datathon Otwarte Dane 2022 — an overview of the winning applications for refugees from Ukraine in Poland

Hackathon Datathon #OtwarteDane 2022 — review of the winning applications for refugees from Ukraine in Poland

Winner in category: API for the Trezor 3.0 database of Polish Finance Ministry

The winner in this category was the application of the Data Drivers team. This application visualizes public data that is important to migrants in Poland in 5 areas: Migration, Finance, Housing, Work, Education and Health. The data is presented clearly on the regional map of Poland. The application is aimed at decision-makers — officials (mayors, voivodes, heads of departments of ministries), who will be able to make faster decisions to help migrants in Poland.

Winner in category: API for the database of public registers in tourism of the Polish Ministry of Sport and Tourism

In this category, the winner was the P.layer application, created by the Super Team. This application for refugees from Ukraine in Poland presents users data from various sources, which are visualized in the form of overlapping layers on a readable map.

Winner in category: API for the Polish CSO’s domain knowledge bases

The winning application in this category was developed by the [Object Object] team. The application presents data from many public sources. Its aim is to help find the optimal place of residence in Poland for migrants and refugees from Ukraine. The user will receive information about the poviat in Poland that best suits his needs based on the entered preferences.

Two distinction for the use of API in the Polish CSO’s domain knowledge bases

The award was given to the TBA team for the WaszMir application. This application for refugees from Ukraine helps migrants find the answer to the question which city in Poland will be right for them. The user will receive data on the basis of previously provided information, such as demographic data and preferences. The WaszMir application for refugees from Ukraine, thanks to the use of public data, returns a list of Polish cities that are best suited to the current situation of a given migrant.

Application named School Finder, developed by the team called Waciaki, received the second distinction. The purpose of this application is to support refugees from Ukraine and migrants in the process of finding a school for children in Poland.

The Konior Dynamics team, which created an application supporting the integration of migrants by organizing and participating in various cultural events, was awarded a paid internship at NASK (in Polish: Naukowa i Akademicka Sieć Komputerowa).

