KRS: what information about Polish companies does it contain?

Find out what company information is provided by the Polish National Court Register, KRS. The data of the KRS register is not only basic data such as the name of the company or the date of its establishment, but also information about arrears and receivables.

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Blog Transparent Data ENG
5 min readSep 8, 2022


What information about Polish companies can be found in KRS?

What companies can you find in the Polish National Court Register and how many

The history of the Polish National Court Register (pol.: Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy or shortly KRS) began on January 1, 2001, i.e. on the day when the register was put into use pursuant to the Act of August 20, 1997. Currently, the main task of the Polish National Court Register is to ensure universal and unlimited access to economic information about companies in Poland and other entities that are subject to registration in this register.

The Polish National Court Register is a register of:

  • Companies — limited liability companies, limited partnerships, limited joint-stock partnerships, general partnerships, joint stock companies, partnerships, simple joint-stock companies, branches of foreign entrepreneurs, European companies and state-owned enterprises
  • Other entities, i.e. associations, social and professional organizations, foundations and public health care institutions, cooperatives, trade unions, chambers and guilds, research associations and institutes, church legal entities that are public benefit organizations and unincorporated church institutions that are public benefit organizations

Currently, there are almost 0.74 million entities with the “active” status, the data of which is contained in the Polish National Court Register. As many as 69% of these entities are limited liability companies (pol.: spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością).

Information about companies in Poland that can be found in the Polish National Court Register

The KRS register is a source of basic data on a given entity and information on any changes that have been made within a given organization since its establishment, i.e. a change in the amount of share capital or arrears. All available economic information about the company from the Polish National Court Register can be downloaded for free in the form of an extract.

KRS entries can be from several to dozen pages long. How much information about the company or other entity will be in the KRS entry depends, among others, from how long a given entity has been operating and how many changes have occurred in it over the years of its existence.

Here is what information about companies can be found in the entry of the Polish National Court Register in individual sections:

Section 1 — basic information about the entity in Poland and how it was established

  • Legal form, NIP number (tax identification number in Poland), REGON number, name of the company under which it operates and data on earlier registration
  • Headquarters address as well as the website and email address
  • Branches
  • KRS register also contains an answer in the form of YES or NO to the question whether the entrepreneur conducts business activity with other entities on the basis of a civil partnership agreement
  • Information about the contract (information about the conclusion or amendment of the articles of association)
  • Information on the statute of the entity
  • Time for which the company was established (e.g. indefinite)
  • The manner of establishing the company: specification of the circumstances of the establishment (e.g. transformation), information about the resolution and the name and registration numbers of the transformed company
  • Data of partners (ultimate beneficial owners)
  • Information on the value of the contribution made and whether it is a contribution in kind
  • Personal data of entities to whom the contribution was returned
  • Company’s share capital along with information on any changes

Section 2 — information about persons authorized to represent the company and proxies

  • Personal data of persons or entities authorized to represent the company: name of the body authorized to represent the entity and the manner of representing the entity
  • Information on shareholders representing the company
  • Data on proxies (including the type of proxy)

Section 3 of the KRS entry includes data on the subject of activity and information on which day the entity’s financial year ends

  • Subject of the predominant and remaining activity of a given entity or statutory activity of a public benefit organization
  • Mention of the documents submitted: the annual financial statements, the resolution or the decision to approve the annual financial statements
  • Capital group reports
  • Information on the day ending the financial year, i.e. indication of the day ending the first financial year for which the entity should submit financial statements to the eKRS

Section 4: information on arrears, including those at The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and others

  • Arrears
  • Receivables
  • Information on dismissal of the bankruptcy petition

And what information about the company can be found in section 5 of the Polish National Court Register?

This section contains information about the curator who has been appointed for a given entity. The curator for the company is appointed by the court, e.g. in the case where the entity has no management board.

Section 6: information on liquidation, bankruptcy, suspension of operations

  • Liquidation
  • Information on the dissolution or annulment of the entity (including details, i.e. specification of circumstances)
  • Information on the merger or transformation of the company
  • Information on the initiated bankruptcy, arrangement, restructuring, reorganization or compulsory restructuring proceedings
  • Information on the suspension of business activity

Examples of information from the Polish National Court Register on companies and other entities from Poland

KRS register: basic information about polish company in the first section of the KRS entry
Information about proxy and the subject of the company’s activity in the Polish National Court Register — an example from the second and third sections
Company’s represent — sample KRS data in the second section of the foundation entry

In the above examples, in places marked in blue, there is sensitive personal data, which is why they have been hidden for safety.

Obtain information from the Polish National Court Register automatically using modern tools

Polish KRS register is a free source of information about companies and other entities, but there are restrictions imposed on users of this register, including the need to take a break between searches. In such a situation, what can companies, where it is necessary to verify daily even hundreds of entities in the Polish National Court Register?

If you are looking for a solution that allows you to quickly obtain the data from the Polish National Court Register without having to actually look at the KRS search engine page, check out the offer of our technology company Transparent Data.

As a provider of economic data from open commercial registers in Poland, we provide access to the Polish National Court Register via our API KRS — without limits and restrictions. If you need access to data from KRS to be processed with risk of cooperation with a given entity, you may be interested in our offer of risk assessment reports, which you can order via a well known platform with economic information Data Integrator.

More information can be found on our website:

