Finding No Broker Fee Affordable Doorman Buildings In NYC

Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2019


We all know that when it comes to New York City Real Estate, doorman buildings are the most sought out, mainly because there are countless benefits to living in one.

So, what and who are doorman buildings in NYC? Doorman buildings are exactly what it sounds like. There is a person behind the doorway entrance of the residential building, they are the people you need to pass, the “bouncer” if you will, if you want to enter. There are a couple of flavors of doormen depending on the type and age of the building. In some cases when the building is quite old, the doorman are the ones literally sitting on a stool behind the door. In larger buildings, there might not be a person directly behind a door, but instead, behind a concierge desk (similar to one you might find at a hotel front desk). The important common factor being there is a live person there who generally provides sense of safety for the entire building.

Generally, there are more pros than cons to a doorman building which is why they are so sought after.


  • Safety and Security — understandably at the top of the list for most people. These people keep the building generally safe and secure by keeping out strangers, and those who do not belong. It’s like a live wall defense mechanism.
  • Delivery/Packages — Doormen are responsible for all of those Amazon packages that get delivered every day. There are endless stories about packages getting swiped from doorsteps by strangers passing by because the shipping companies drop them off without getting signatures
  • Friendliness — Who doesn't like to come home to a smiling and friendly greeting after a long day of work! In some cases, depending on how long you have lived there, they can seem like a second extension of family. You see them every single day! It’s nice to be able to chit chat a little bit as you go about your day.
  • Moving Lots of Things — For those times when you have just a ton of crap to bring up to your apartment. This usually happens after arriving home from a long trip or a large grocery haul. Bags of suitcases to dirty laundry to gifts to shopping trips at target. They help you get through the door and into your apartment when help is needed, a modern day superman if you will.


  • Privacy — Because these are people you see every single day, they know all of your habits and comings and goings, and general timeline of your schedule. It’s impossible to get away from them because everyone goes home at some point and they are always there. Similar to how phones are tracking our every whereabouts, this is the human version of it but on a smaller scale.
  • Costs — The biggest bummer of it all is that living in a doormen building comes at a premium price and much more expensive than their non-doorman building counterpart. It’s simple math that these people need to be paid and the majority of a doorman buildings’ budget goes to the salaries of the doormen. So in retrospect, it does makes sense why the buildings come at a higher price point.

Where Are The No Broker Fee Doorman Buildings in NYC Located?

There are 400+ of these no broker fee buildings in Manhattan alone that you can rent directly from property managers without having to pay a broker fee. In the case of doorman buildings, it will save anywhere between $4,000-$8,000 by renting directly from the source.

Of the 400+ buildings, over 60 are what we can classify as the affordable range. These are what can be dubbed as the ‘hidden gems’ of Manhattan where you can rent in a doorman building at the lowest market rates in the city.

Our price range matrix for is:

The overall price range percentages where doorman buildings in NYC fall are:

$ — 3%

$$ — 16%

$$$ — 55%

$$$$ — 26%

