How — and why — to turn your CEO into a Podcast Host

Communicating about complex (transportation) matters in a world of reduced attention.

Florian Martens
Transportation Matters
3 min readSep 4, 2019


Populism is a Denial of Complexity — A. Rusbridger

If you are a communications strategist & professional, this is your daily reality: explaining complex matters in times of short posts, overflowing social media feeds, reduced journalistic capacity and ceaceless news alerts is your #1 challenge. At the same time, the world has become not just more complicated, but much more complex. You can’t fit explanations in one tweet. Blogging Platforms like #Medium or high-quality audio formats such as #Podcasts provide a viable alternative to reach your stakeholders in a more profound way. We’re trying out both right now — so here is why and how.

Transportation Matters — in society and in our new CEO podcast

Daimler Trucks & Buses is the world’s leading truck and bus company and Martin Daum its CEO. Every first Wednesday of the month, we will release a podcast in which Martin hosts international guests from highly diverse areas of society on a monthly basis. The show is called “Transportation Matters” because transport concerns us all — even if many are not always aware of it.

The range of questions and challenges for the transportation business is very broad — climate change; digitalization; electric and automated driving; the future of the work world; modern, international leadership topics; and much more. With his guests from the fields of business, politics, media and sports, the CEO of Daimler Trucks will discuss these topics in order to learn, understand different point of views, create connections, find common ground and thereby work together to drive change.

Let’s start with listening: Unfiltered, In-Depth Dialogue

If your CEO is an influential voice of your Industry and has something to say that goes beyond just your own economic interests, that’s a great opportunity — as is the case with Martin Daum, our CEO with more than 30 years of experience in this business. His perspective goes far beyond the borders of his own line of business.

The booming audio format of podcasts is therfore a perfect fit for us. It’s a format all about open discourse on important questions concerning the economy, transportation and society. That’s why I suggested that our CEO assume an unusual role for a senior business leadern: as moderator and interviewer. By hosting his own podcast, our CEO show he’s up-to-date regarding innovative, digital ways to communicate.

That’s why we choose to add Podcasts to our communications mix: people can listen to the exchange of ideas and arguments and form their own opinions on it. It’s an unfiltered but authentic way to deal with the reality of today’s world in transportation and beyond: the world is complicated and it will be a slightly better place if we all start wiht listening and trying to understand it each other.

So, now I am listenting and looking forward to your thoughts and feedback.



Florian Martens
Transportation Matters

Head of Global Communications Daimler Trucks & Buses. —Strategy | Auto | Transportation | Gear Head | Father—