alomenu samuel
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2018

“The AU Agenda 2063 is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years. Its builds on, and seeks to accelerate the implementation of past and existing continental initiatives for growth and sustainable development.”

I first came across the agenda at a conference, an African Library Conference. We were seated in groups brainstorming on various assignments, and one of the members asked that we ensured our solutions were aligned with the UN Sustainable goals and another member exclaimed, “ well and the AU agenda 2063, which is actually our own.” In my head I wondered what it was, the AU has their own sustainable goals? Not wanting to look ignorant about the Agenda 2063, I didn’t ask her. I wrote it down in my notebook and next to it, this is a must look up.

Seek back 6 months in time, I am taking a class called African Development as part of an undergraduate course, a lot of issues are touched on, but one key thing the course focused on was the UN Sustainable Goals. We analysed the goals and compared the SDGs to the MDGs( Millenium Development Goals). The SDGs are clearly an extension, strengthening and continuation of the SDGs. Global goals to align and focus the development goals of nations both underdeveloped and developed nations.

We wrote essays and discussed at length, if it was right for Ghana to subscribe to the SDGs. We concluded that Ghana cannot use the SDGs as a roadmap for where the country oughts to be. The SDGs are indeed global priorities but what are Ghana’s priorities.

Learning about the AU Agenda 2063, lit a light in my head, it was also tag lined: “ The Africa We Want.”
The Africa We Want is more close to home for me than the world we want. As we keep our eyes on the SDGs the AU Agenda2063 goals is the path we should be moving Africa’s development along.

What are these goals:

Please download the easy to read document here. You will it find the goals thrilling to read.

In the final pages of the document states the critical enablers for Africa’s transformation and I would like to highlight that here:

“The determination, participation, self-reliance and solidarity of Africa’s peoples and leadership are preconditions for success and we therefore recognize the following as critical enablers of continental transformation:

  1. a. The people’s ownership and mobilisation: The continuous mobilisation of the African people and the diaspora in various formations, effective communication and outreach, and sustained and inclusive social dialogue on Agenda 2063.
  2. b. African resources to finance its development: Looking inwards to mobilise African resources to finance and accelerate its transformation, integration, peace, security, infrastructure, industrialization, democratic governance and strengthen continental institutions.
  3. c. Accountable leadership and responsive institutions: Build visionary and accountable leadership, democratic and developmental governance and institutions, through robust and transparent planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms at all levels.
  4. d. Capable and democratic developmental states and institutions: Revitalise African development planning capacities and rebuild career, professional and capable public services. Strengthen and transform regional and continental institutions and the manner in which we do business, so as to effectively lead and drive the agenda for transformation and integration.
  5. e. Changed attitudes and mind-sets, to rekindle and strengthen Pan-African values of self-reliance, solidarity, hard work and collective prosperity, and build on African successes, experiences and best practices to forge the African model of development and transformation.
  6. f. A Pan-African perspective, through solidarity, integration, implementation of our programmes and pooled sovereignty on critical issues of continental and global dimensions.
  7. g. Ownership of the African narrative and brand to ensure that it reflects continental realities, aspirations and priorities and Africa’s position in the world.
  8. h. African approach to development and transformation, learning from the diverse, unique and shared experiences and best practices of various countries and regions as a basis of forging an African approach to transformation.”

We all have a role to play and we have to take responsibility. If we don’t push these goals no one else will. This is my first step to getting the goals out there and to garner more interest around it — and I intend to do more.

What steps are you taking?

