Crafting Modern Multi-Tenant SaaS Transactional Databases using Postgresql

Vibhor Mahajan
Published in
4 min read15 hours ago

Balancing Extensibility and Robust Reporting

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

Designing databases for multi-tenant SaaS applications presents a unique set of challenges. In such environments, multiple customers (tenants) share the same application and database infrastructure while maintaining data isolation and security. Each tenant often has unique requirements and customizations, adding layers of complexity to the database design. As businesses scale, the need for databases that can efficiently handle dynamic schemas, user-defined types, and robust reporting becomes paramount. This challenge is further amplified by the necessity to maintain high performance and data integrity across diverse and evolving data structures.

In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of designing multi-tenant SaaS transactional databases optimized for both extensibility and robust reporting. We’ll explore various approaches, including schema design, indexing strategies, and the use of modern database features to create a scalable and flexible database architecture. Whether you’re a database architect or a developer, understanding these principles will help you build systems that meet the dynamic needs of your tenants while ensuring seamless and efficient data management.

Understanding the Multi-Tenant Challenge

At its core, multi-tenancy involves sharing a single instance of a software application among multiple customers. This model offers significant cost savings and efficiency but requires careful planning to ensure that data from one tenant remains isolated and secure from others. The database design must accommodate the following key requirements:

  1. Data Isolation: Ensure that each tenant’s data is isolated and secure.
  2. Scalability: Handle a growing number of tenants and their data without performance degradation.
  3. Customizability: Allow tenants to define custom data structures and attributes.
  4. Reporting: Provide robust reporting capabilities that can aggregate and analyze data across tenants.

Schema Design Strategies

There are several approaches to schema design in a multi-tenant environment, each with its own advantages and trade-offs.

1. Shared Schema

In a shared schema approach, all tenants share the same set of tables. Data for each tenant is differentiated by a tenant_id column.


  • Simplified schema management.
  • Efficient use of resources.


  • Potential for performance bottlenecks.
  • Complex queries for tenant-specific data.


tenant_id INT,
order_date DATE,
total_amount DECIMAL

2. Schema-per-Tenant

Each tenant has its own schema within the same database. This approach provides better isolation and customization at the cost of increased complexity.


  • Strong data isolation.
  • Easier tenant-specific customization.


  • Increased complexity in managing multiple schemas.
  • Potential for resource contention.


CREATE TABLE tenant1.orders (
order_date DATE,
total_amount DECIMAL

3. Database-per-Tenant

Each tenant has its own database. This approach offers the highest level of isolation but can be challenging to manage at scale.


  • Maximum data isolation.
  • Simplified backup and restore processes.


  • High resource consumption and hence high cost
  • Complex management and deployment.

Handling Extensibility with JSONB

One effective way to handle dynamic schemas and user-defined types is by using JSONB columns in PostgreSQL. This allows you to store custom attributes in a flexible, schema-less format.

Example Schema with JSONB:

CREATE TABLE custom_object (
tenant_id INT,
type_name VARCHAR(255),
data JSONB

Indexing JSONB Columns:

To optimize queries, you can create indexes on JSONB columns.


CREATE INDEX idx_custom_object_data_gin ON custom_object USING gin (data);
CREATE INDEX idx_custom_object_data_specific ON custom_object ((data ->> 'specificAttribute'));

Indexing Strategies for Performance

Creating effective indexes is crucial for maintaining performance in a multi-tenant environment. Here are a few strategies:

  1. General Indexes: Basic indexes on primary keys and foreign keys.
  2. Tenant-Specific Indexes: Indexes tailored to the most common queries for each tenant.
  3. Partial Indexes: Indexes that only include rows meeting specific conditions.

Example of Partial Index:

CREATE INDEX idx_custom_object_data_partial ON custom_object USING gin (data) WHERE tenant_id = 1 AND data ? 'specificKey';

Building Robust Reporting

Robust reporting in a multi-tenant environment requires aggregating and analyzing data across different tenants while maintaining performance.

ETL and Data Warehousing

  1. Extract, Transform, Load (ETL): Use ETL processes to extract data from the operational database, transform it as needed, and load it into a data warehouse.
  2. Data Warehousing: Store aggregated data in a data warehouse optimized for reporting and analytics.

Example ETL Workflow:

  1. Extract: Use tools like Debezium to capture changes from PostgreSQL.
  2. Transform: Flatten JSONB data during the ETL process using Apache Airflow or dbt.
  3. Load: Load the transformed data into a data warehouse like Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, or Snowflake.

Example Transformation Script (using dbt):

WITH raw_data AS (
id AS entity_id,
jsonb_each_text(data) AS custom_attribute
{{ ref('custom_object') }}
custom_attribute.key AS attribute_name,
custom_attribute.value AS attribute_value


Designing multi-tenant SaaS transactional databases optimized for extensibility and robust reporting is no small feat. It requires a deep understanding of the trade-offs between different schema designs, the ability to implement dynamic and tenant-specific indexing strategies, and the foresight to build scalable ETL and data warehousing solutions. By carefully considering these factors, you can build a database architecture that not only meets the diverse needs of your tenants but also supports the long-term growth and scalability of your SaaS application.

In part 2 of this series, we’ll cover “Navigating Potential Pitfalls in Multi-Tenant SaaS Transactional Database Design using Postgresql”



Vibhor Mahajan
Editor for

A Software Craftsman, he loves building Software Products, and high performance Software Engineering Teams